Divine Tara in the Sacred Land of Egypt 2024

Last Update September 4, 2024
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7 Lessons

146. Connecting to the Spirit of Egypt ~ Egypt 2024

Connecting to the Spirit of Egypt - Egypt 2024- Meghna orchestrates a powerful meditation anchoring your energies from the Sacred Land of Egypt to the crystalline core of Mother Earth which has a scroll. Through this scroll, you will be activating high-frequency codes from this sacred land of Egypt that match your energetic code. You have a divine connection with this Sacred Land and this information will get activated in your conscious mind. You carry sacred wisdom within you which is waiting to spread amongst the masses. You are the High Priest and Priestess of the Ancient Land of Atlantis. The Arcturians, Your Star Mother, and the Spirit of Egypt are present. It's time to merge your energies with these high-frequency energies. This helps to activate the Kundalini energy, which is the energy of awakening and leading a life of balance between the material world and the spiritual world. This powerful frequency activates the energy channels. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days and keep yourselves very well hydrated.
146. Connecting to the Spirit of Egypt ~ Egypt 202400:00:00

147. Temple of Horus in Edfu ~ Egypt 2024

You are taken to the Blue Avian temple, the temple of Falcon-God Horus. Master Horus and Mother Goddess Hathor, the Divine Counterparts are present, they transfer the merged energies of union into your being. A plethora of colours, plasma lights and rays are flowing through your being to activate various chakras and aspects into your being. You may see diamond like sparkles on the white ray, which represents the innocence of the soul, which needs to be activated within. A feeling of child-like lightness and joy. If you see a red-diamond like beams help you step into your power. When you are into your power, no judgements or nudges from the world shakes you. The powerful beam of light coming from the hands of the divine counterparts activates all the rays within your being. A powerful platinum light brings together the magical light from all the universes combined, fills your heart center to integrate these powerful energies. Allow yourself to receive these powerful high-frequency healing lights. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days and keep yourselves very well hydrated.

148. 7 Sisters of Pleiades ~ Egypt 2024

You are taken to the 7 Gates of Pleiades, which are the 7 sisters, leading to the 7 Star Nations. The Pleiadians are playing a very important role in supporting the ascension process. This also holds the Divine Feminine sacred energies, which helps transmute the distorted masculine energies. Codes of awakening, remembrance, your purpose are being transferred to you via through a Blue Pleadian Being, and when your energy field is clearer of trauma and emotional debris, you will be able to access this wisdom. These codes, going into your pineal gland and your 14 subtle bodies balance your energy field, which leads to the opening of your heart. This will also liberate you from all the lower frequencies that are prevalent on Mother Earth this time. This is a great time to release all your distorted behavioral/thought patterns to make way for the light. The powerful Ankh transfers the energies of empowerment, to step into the knowing of your sovereign power. The gentle healing light does not pander to the egoic needs of other human beings, the light is empathic and compassionate. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days and keep yourselves very well hydrated.

149. Step into Your Power with Mother Goddess Sekhmet ~ Egypt 2024

Mother Goddess Sekhmet works with you to transfer the codes of courage, and divine feminine and to open your heart center. Receive the energies of softness, which has the power to remove the shackles of protection around your heart. She wishes to tell you that you are powerful being of being that there is no need of protection from the outside world. You can overcome the shadow aspects and rise above the 3D matrix. There is nothing to be fearful. Fear is a low vibrational frequency and it deviates us from our divine truth. She encourages you to live your life and be vulnerable. Vulnerability hones divine possibilities and enables you to give your light to the world. You will attract shadows from the collective to be transmuted to the light and you are enough as you are! Light doesn't prove, it shines and dispels darkness from the collective. She propels you to connect to your heart center and to the Sun God Ra to clear up the stored hurt, resentment, grief and pain as they are no longer serving you, they are only a part of your lessons in this healing journey. Her love, care and protection is always with you. You are a strong being of light, and it's time to come into your sovereign power and the fearless form of your divine essence. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days and keep yourselves very well hydrated.

150. Powerful Healing Frequencies from the King’s Chamber of the Pyramid of Giza ~ Egypt 2024

Meghna channels powerful healing frequencies from the King's Chamber in the Pyramid of Giza in Egypt. These ethereal healing lights have the codes of remembrance, ancient wisdom and connecting with your Star Family. Powerful beams are coming through the apex of the Pyramid. Master Shiva, Master Thot are also present, and these activations will push out any unprocessed emotions, traumas and energetic debris present in your emotional, physical or energy body. This is a great time to release anything that is not serving this Divine vessel. An Arcturian Being is clearing out stuck emotions from the back of the heart center that are delaying you from awakening to your divinity. The beings are also working with your knees to bring back your power from past situations, people, places from eons of times. A Lyran Being is also here with a Lion to deposit the five beams of light into your heart center that form a circular pattern. Master Shiva pulls out all the stored fear energy from your being. Fear is the base of lack of courage, empowerment, growth and expansion. These powerful beings and Masters help you to drop the feeling of disempowerment here, step into your power by creating more space for the light to step in. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days and keep yourselves very well hydrated.

151. Release Your Traumas with Mother Nile ~ Egypt 2024

Mother Nile supports you to release any stored emotions in your energy body, that you may be carrying for thousands of years. Let it all out. Anger, grief, resentment, hurt are all lower frequency emotions which will get dislodged, fluid and be released from your body. These emotions weigh you down on your path and don't allow you to come into your sovereign power as a divine being of light. Mother Nile is enveloping you in her grace and benevolence as you release all the stuck denseness from your energy field. You can open your mouth and release any sound that may be coming through and repeat it as many times as you can. Please repeat this meditation for 66 days and keep yourselves very well hydrated.

152. Re-learn Ancient Wisdom with Mother Goddess Isis

There are powerful healing lights, that have the ancient wisdom to start healing your 14 subtle bodies that hold traumas, pain, and rage that is held within. Mother Goddess is here, and she is transferring the codes of ancient wisdom and memories. These are the codes to decode the structure of your energy field pertaining to the mystery schools of ancient times. These codes burst open your physical body, to make their way into your energy system to bring in decoding to understand your power, these codes then travel to your logical mind to be brought into a conscious action. You are filled with these codes of sacred ancient wisdom. Mother Goddess Hathor is also present and she activates the hidden soul gifts of music, beauty, and dance. She also helps release emotional pain stored within your energy field for eons of time. You also receive visualization codes as the Mother Goddesses activate your Third Eye Chakra. And she places a feather at the base of your spine to assist Mother Kundalini to awaken. You may see an eye in your Third Eye as it is completely activated. The fire energy also fills up your leg region eliminating any blocks that prevent you from moving forward. The codes of integration are now sent to your DNA by the mother goddesses. The ascended masters, mother goddesses, and the divine know your soul path very well, they encourage you to listen to their messages through various mediums. Once you start listening to the messages, there is a clear direction shown to you, you only have to keep tuning into the divine guidance. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days and keep yourselves very well hydrated.
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