Remote Healing from Peru by Meghna Tara in June 2024


About The Event

Can’t travel to Peru?

Experience the Magic of Peru and Healing from potent energy spots at the Sacral Chakra of Earth by Meghna Tara through Remote Healing Sessions.

Kindly note, that these are not Zoom Sessions, Distant/Remote Healing will be sent by Meghna.

From 1st June to 11th June, 2024

The Divine Connection to Peru

Peru is a high vibrational energy vortex, which has profound, multi-dimensional meaning and purpose.

It stands tall with true places of power, with an amazing energy effect, which is downright transformative, supporting the inner alchemy and alignment that sparks one’s Kundalini activation, and consequential spiritual awakening.


Why Remote Healing from Peru?

Vortex energy moves in a spiral and great spiritual transformations occur more quickly and easily.

Peru has feminine energies coming into the earth. This vortex energy has a unique electromagnetic field, which resembles the Kundalini energy, which can be instrumental in awakening the Kundalini energy within us.

You are called to this mystical world according to the timing of the universe. If you can‘t make it in person, we highly recommend you choose to be healed through distant/remote transmissions by Meghna Tara.

DAY 1 – Connect to the Land of Peru

  • Powerful grounding which will lead to your Heart and Mind’s expansion.

Sacred Valley: Maras & Moray

  • Maras: Drop your old patterns to bring in the energies of the New Earth.

  • Moray represents the higher timelines available to humans, leading to our soul’s ascension.


DAY 2 – Sacred Valley: Naupa Iglesias

  • This is an Intergalactic portal, your consciousness will travel, one at a time. You will visit our home planets.


DAY 3 – Machu Picchu

Connect with the biggest Ley Lines of Mother Earth involving powerful activations, initiations, and energy work.


DAY 4 – Machu Picchu: Sacred Mandor Falls

  • Discover the Magic of Elemental Kingdom: activations of Mermaid energies & Fairy realms.


DAY 5 – Sacred Valley: Quillarumiyoc

  • Temple of Moon Goddess -Meghna will help you balance the Divine Feminine within your energetic body.


  • The Sun Temple & Venus Temple: To activate your Power Center and bring your power back from people, spaces, dimensions, and parallel realities. Working and integrating the frequencies of Sanat Kumara and Master Lady Venus.

  • Temple of the Heart & Kundalini Temple: Expand your consciousness. Activations to open up your heart, and activate your Higher Heart and activations for your Kundalini Awakening.


  • Earth’s sacral chakra lies at Lake Titicaca, it is the embodiment of both masculine and feminine energies, making itself representative of creativity.

  • Heal your Womb Space, Pachamama, and Pachatata activations to anchor the energies of Mother and Father God. We will be visiting the etheric temple of Lemuria, which has the Feminine Ray of the GodHead.


  • Arama Muru (Gate of the Gods) is a doorway believed to have been made by ancients who used it to travel across dimensions. Also, meet your Star Family.

  • “Los Waru Warus de Acora” are high vibrational concentric circles made by ancient settlers to communicate with the divine

  • Energies of Integration to integrate all the powerful energies received

Remote Healing Includes:

(No Zoom Session will be held)

  • Kundalini activation

  • Downloading the sacred Atlantean codes

  • Picking up healing energies from the underground tunnels in Machu Picchu

  • 8 days of Energy activations/healings sent from various sacred/power spots.

  • These higher energies and Ascended Masters will propel you towards leading an abundant life and following your spiritual mission.

  • Cost: $ 444.00
  • Total Slot: 100
  • Booked Slot: 0

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