May Magic with Meghna

Last Update July 8, 2024
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3 Lessons

159. Akshaya Tritiya ~ The Abundance Portal

Healing abandonment wounds - Inner child You are taken to the Chamber of Abundance in the Cosmic Sanctuary of the Masters in the Higher Realms. You are asked to lay down on a healing bed and your healing team from your star planet surrounds you. They are here to release wounds where you have felt alone, lonely, unsupported, unloved, rejected by the people in your life. Mother Goddess Lakshmi and her Divine Counterpart Master Vishnu bless you with abundant energies. You can repeat this meditation for 33 days. Please keep yourselves very well hydrated.
159. Akshaya Tritiya ~ The Abundance Portal00:00:00

160. Illuminate Your Inner Sun

Beaming in Lyrans - Narsimha Jayanti You are taken to a powerful Pyramid, which is the powerhouse of the Great Galactic Sun, in the Lyran star nation. You will pick up the information as per your soul's purpose in this lifetime from here. Mother Goddess Sekhmet and Master Ra are present, and they start working on your energy center. There are two Lyran Beings also present, they put their paws on your kidneys. Kidneys store fear energies, and when we are constantly in a state of fear we block abundance. The Lyran Beings start healing your kidneys with golden Ankhs to transmute the fear related to any sphere of your life. You may be shown the colour of the fear being released. Fears also come from past lifetimes that is stagnant energies, that stunts your thriving. Master Ra heals your Solar Plexus Chakra which is your inner sun, here lies the ability for you to shine in the world. Insecurity, self-doubt and lack of direction clogs this energy. The Lyran Beings and Sun God Ra unlocks this chakra to liberate you to make decisions in your life. These energies also open up codes of remembers of your ancient divine past, your role on earth and why you reincarnated. You can repeat this meditation for 33 days. Please keep yourselves very well hydrated.

161. Attain Self-Mastery with Master Buddha

Self-Mastery with Master Buddha You are taken to the Temple of Enlightenment. You feel the presence of Master Buddha in the great Bodhi tree. You are engulfed in big beams of healing energies sent by the tree, this will heal your trigger points which will lead you to Self-Mastery. The root cause of your fears, panic, anger or sadness coming from any situation, person, events or place is healed by the gentle healing lights. These lights will heal the area where these emotions are stored in your body. You may feel these emotions coming up, allow yourself to be an observer. Another golden beam of light will clear the feelings of being overwhelmed, out of control, feeling lost, feeling abandoned or helpless from any person, events, situations or places. These powerful beams will cut off the energy flow between you and its source. Another golden beam of light will heal a recurring unpleasant memory or a situation of the past that keeps coming up in your conscious mind. Your physical ailments, also are healed at this time. The urge to escape a situation, place or people, becoming defensive, and freezing - all of these aspects are also healed in another blast of golden healing light. The healing light goes deep into your cells. Master Buddha places magical crystals in your heart chakra. The electrical charge that attracts any low vibrational situation is also healed at this time. Allow these emotions, situations, past, pain to be release with love and grace! Your heart center is healing as you are bringing your power back and attaining self-mastery with the support of the Divine beings! Please keep yourselves very well hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 28 days.
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