DNA Activation

Last Update September 4, 2024
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10 Lessons

34. Bring in the Change

Summer Solstice Meditation-The Summer Solstice is all about high frequencies as a harbinger of change. It brings about a shift towards higher consciousness and remembrance of who you are. The high frequencies of Master Thoth and Golden Light of Atlantis bring about upgrades in your DNA, Third Eye, and Solar Plexus. Please keep yourself hydrated before and after practicing this meditation. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.
34. Bring in the Change00:51:54

19. DNA Activation in the City of Telos

Winter Solstice 2021- Know your origins, know your soul's purpose, and decode to awaken your memories. Experience the winter solstice meditation, imprint pure love frequencies, and reestablish your connection to the crystalline grid of the earth with ascended masters like Lord Maitreya. Prepare to receive a rare gift, as you are guided to cleanse your aura, and be a vessel to receive the serene energies of the new earth. Travel to the inner-earth city to awaken your memories and upgrade your heart chakra and DNA cells to the fifth-dimension energies to know your origins. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits. Please keep yourselves very well hydrated.

23. Activate Your Crystalline Body

Light Body Activation - Day 1 - Lunar New Year - Master Shiva and Mother Goddess Parvati take you to the celestial Mount Kailash, which is a Stargate, to start the process of activating your crystalline body. Electromagnetically link yourself to the source of light. Witness the grid-work of your crystalline body as the point of activations - merge your physical, spiritual, and emotional bodies! Connect your physical body with your soul. We recommend you increase your water intake. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

24. Activate Your Crystalline Body Part 2

Light Body Activation - Day 2 - 222 Portal-As you continue your light body activation journey, the previously done energy clearances now have a pronounced shape. The initiation of your crystalline body continues as Master Shiva and Mother Goddess Parvati proceed with the actuation of your Light body. The third-level light body will be activated today, and the awareness of the higher dimensions will be initiated in every cell of your body. This will open a two-way connection with your soul and physical body. We recommend you increase your water intake. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

25. Activate Your Crystalline Body Part 3

Light Body Activation - Day 3 - Divine Love Portal-Mount Kailash calls you back to continue the restorative work on your light body by Master Shiva and Mother Goddess Parvati. Your chakras are buzzing with energy as you observe the work, the gridlines on your energy body, that are now clearly visible. Observe the exhilaration of your light body by Master Shiva. This process will connect your conscious mind to your subconscious mind, redefining the logical aspect of the brain. This rousing connection will help you remember and decode your dreams and allow you to peak into the extensive work your soul is ready to do. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits. We recommend you increase your water intake

26. Activate Your Crystalline Body Part 4

Light Body Activation - Day 4 - Snow Full Moon- Observe your root chakra as it pulsates to the high-vibrational Atomic Chair in the presence of Master Shiva and Mother Goddess Parvati. Lord Shiva reinvigorates all the previously activated light centers on your 'light body', continue being an ardent observer. He moves up to strengthen the connection, the clearance of the passage between your physical self and the soul, reestablishing a smooth conversation between the two. We recommend you increase your water intake. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

27. Activate Your Crystalline Body Part 5

Light Body Activation - Day 5 - Initiation into Cosmic Union- This is the final step of your initiation into the cosmic union in the divine presence of Master Shiva and Mother Goddess Parvati. Lord Shiva refreshes your memory with all the people in your current life, who are unequivocally your galactic family and friends. This will help to awaken your compassionate and empathetic self. He also shows you memories of your joyful past, for you to derive strength from! These become your support system as the path to your ascension is paved for you - one step at a time! Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits. We recommend you increase your water intake.

91. Clearing Your DNA of Dense Energies

Narasimha Jayanti 2023 - Meghna channels the powerful Lord Narasimha. You are made to sit on a magical chair, which activates the codes of healing and wisdom. Healing is a continuous process, and our star brothers and sisters endeavor to transmute our traumas from our very DNA. Lord Narasimha transmutes all your karmic blockages and stuck energies from your being, activating the Lyran codes of wisdom. This powerful healing session will encourage you to walk toward the ultimate truth - the law of one! Please keep yourself hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

155. Light Language – DNA Activation, Soul Expansion & Unlocking of Mulitdimensional Soul Gifts – King’s Chamber, Pyramid of Giza, Egypt 2024

DNA Activation, Soul Expansion & Unlocking of Multidimensional Soul Gifts - King's Chamber, Pyramid of Giza, Egypt 2024 - Meghna channels powerful light codes from the King's Chamber in the Pyramid of Giza, in Egypt. This is a Stargate to Star Nations, Higher Realms, and a passage for all the higher wisdom and guidance coming to our 3rd-dimensional realm. These high-frequency light codes and light language singing channeled by Meghna will propel your DNA Activation and the expansion of your soul. When we are aligned to the universal frequencies, we also bring our multidimensional soul gifts into our physical lives. This expands our understanding on a conscious level and helps us detach from the 3D and rise to our Soul purpose towards the 5th dimension and higher. Please repeat this for 33 days and keep yourselves very well hydrated.

⁨169. Peru 2024 – Moray – Codes of Remembrance – Upgrade Your DNA

Peru 2024 - Moray - Codes of Remembrance - Upgrade Your DNA You are taken to Moray and High Priest Adama and Master Thoth welcome you and lead you to ancient scrolls. Master Thoth starts downloading this ancient wisdom in your etheric body. The golden stream of light activates your DNA. The codes of remembrance as an Atlantean being, helps you to remember ancient wisdom that will illuminate your consciousness and help you contribute to assisting Gaia at this time. Mother Goddess Isis downloads codes to activate your memory of time in mystery schools. Please repeat this meditation for 44 for complete energy integration. Please keep yourselves very well hydrated.⁩
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