Heal Your Fears

Last Update September 4, 2024
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11 Lessons

6. Heal Your Fears with Goddess Hathor

Navratri 2021 - Goddess Hathor Goddess Hathor is here to help you align with the frequencies of divine love, grace, and abundance! It's time to surrender to be able to receive guidance from the higher realms. It's time to be looked after by the loving mother goddess. It's time to open your heart center to transmute the fears and receive the energies of alignment with your star brothers and sisters. We recommend you keep yourself hydrated while doing the sessions. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.
6. Heal Your Fears with Goddess Hathor1:00:14

10. Heal your fears from across lifetimes with Goddess Durga

Navratri 2021- Goddess Durga- Soak yourself in the loving energies of the benevolent Mother Goddess Durga. Transmute your fear energies from the heart centers across lifetimes with the help of the divine Mother Goddess Durga. Trust the mother and surrender. Anchor the healing energies from Goddess Durga into our dear Gaia. St Germain and other masters are also present to help transmute all your fears. We recommend you keep yourself hydrated while doing the sessions. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

18. Heal Your Fears with Arcturians

Transmute Your Fears-Get illuminated with the healing divine light! The Arcturians, who are the master healers, take you across the starry galaxy to Arcturus. Feel the peaceful energies of the star nation. Transmute your dense energies in the sacred fire, orchestrated by the master healers. Face your fears with an immense bout of courage, you are supported by the Arcturians. Let these energies propel you to reclaim your sovereign power as the Gods and Goddesses you are! Please keep yourselves very well hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

38. Heal Your Fears with Mahavatar Babaji

Mahavatar Babaji - Full Moon Meditation- The Moon Goddess is here to help you release and transmute your fears. The fear of moving forward stops us from standing in our truth. Clear your vessel to align with the source's energy and live an abundant life. The Spirit of the Mountain is here to help you integrate all the healing energies. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits. We recommend you increase your water intake.

41. Release Negative Patterns

Navratri 2022 - Jwala Devi -Goddess of Light, Jwala Devi burns away your energy blocks. Get ready to get engulfed in the divine violet flame of the Goddess to transmute all the negative frequencies that may be present in your energy field. Whether it's the energy of lack, worrying about your future, or finances - all of it will be transmuted in the beautiful flame of the goddess. Usher out your fear energies. It’s time to let go and let your truth shine out! We recommend you keep yourselves hydrated while doing these sessions. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

79. Heal Your Fears

Navratri 2023- Sacred Shakti - Goddess Sekhmet- Nestle in the powerful energies of Goddess Sekhmet as she transfers the divine energies into your solar plexus chakra. The energetic knots of fear energies coming from various situations and people will be dissolved by her. This will help clear all the residue that is not serving you and hindering your growth. She tells you that fear is an illusion, only present to test you. Your calmness and your grounding will throw off any stronger perceived energy. She instills and unlocks the aspects of courage and valor for abundant, peaceful growth. Please keep yourselves hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 21 days to gain its complete benefits.

116. Ancient Sanskrit Mantras – Liberation from Fears

Ancient Sanskrit Mantras with Meghna - Goddess Green Tara Mantra- Chant the powerful Green Tara Mantra with Meghna. Invoking the energies of this mantra calls for the protection of Mother Goddess Green Tara to help remove our fears, and heal our vibrations in our energy field. This helps us attract only higher frequency energies in the forms of situationships, relationships, and healing energies in our lives. Chanting this mantra helps you elevate your frequency to a higher dimension. Liberate you from repetitive patterns, disintegrating the Karmic energies, and also help you clear disturbing thoughts You may chant the mantra 108 times for 33 days. Keep yourselves very well hydrated.

149. Codes of Courage

Step into your power with Mother Goddess Sekhmet- Egypt 2024 -Mother Goddess Sekhmet works with you to transfer the codes of courage, and divine femininity and to open your heart center. Receive the energies of softness, which has the power to remove the shackles of protection around your heart. She wishes to tell you that you are a powerful being and that there is no need for protection from the outside world. You can overcome the shadow aspects and rise above the 3D matrix. There is nothing to be fearful of. Fear is a low vibrational frequency and it deviates us from our divine truth. She encourages you to live your life and be vulnerable. Vulnerability hones divine possibilities and enables you to give your light to the world. You will attract shadows from the collective to be transmuted to the light and you are enough as you are! Light doesn't prove, it shines and dispels darkness from the collective. She propels you to connect to your heart center and to the Sun God Ra to clear up the stored hurt, resentment, grief, and pain as they are no longer serving you, they are only a part of your lessons in this healing journey of. Her love, care, and protection are always with you. You are a strong being of light, and it's time to come into your sovereign power and the fearless form of your divine essence. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days and keep yourselves very well hydrated.

150. Bring Back Your Power – Kings Chamber, Egypt

Powerful Healing Frequencies from the King’s Chamber of the Pyramid of Giza - Egypt 2024- Meghna channels powerful healing frequencies from the King's Chamber in the Pyramid of Giza in Egypt. These ethereal healing lights have the codes of remembrance, ancient wisdom, and connecting with your Star Family. Powerful beams are coming through the apex of the Pyramid. Master Shiva and Master Thot are also present, and these activations will push out any unprocessed emotions, traumas, and energetic debris present in your emotional, physical, or energy body. This is a great time to release anything that is not serving this Divine vessel. An Arcturian Being is clearing out stuck emotions from the back of the heart center that is delaying you from awakening to your divinity. The beings are also working with your knees to bring back your power from past situations, people, and places from eons of time. A Lyran Being is also here with a Lion to deposit the five beams of light into your heart center that form a circular pattern. Master Shiva pulls out all the stored fear energy from your being. Fear is the base of the lack of courage, empowerment, growth, and expansion. These powerful beings and Masters help you to drop the feeling of disempowerment here, and step into your power by creating more space for the light to step in. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days and keep yourselves very well hydrated.

153. Light Language – Release Fear from your DNA – King’s Chamber, Pyramid of Giza, Egypt 2024

Light Language – Release Fear from your DNA – King’s Chamber, Pyramid of Giza, Egypt 2024 - Meghna channels powerful light codes from the King's Chamber in the Pyramid of Giza, in Egypt. This is a Stargate to Star Nations, Higher Realms and a passage for all the higher wisdom and guidance coming to our 3rd dimensional realm. Release the fear energies stored in your DNA and deep-cellular level from thousands of lifetimes. Fear is the basis of any lower emotions/frequencies and doesn't serve us in any way. It is an illusion that stunts our forward movement in our soul's evolution. Please repeat this for 33 days and keep yourselves very well hydrated.

160. Illuminate Your Inner Sun

Beaming in Lyrans-- Narsimha Jayant 2024-You are taken to a powerful Pyramid, which is the powerhouse of the Great Galactic Sun, in the Lyran star nation. You will pick up the information as per your soul's purpose in this lifetime from here. Mother Goddess Sekhmet and Master Ra are present, and they start working on your energy center. There are two Lyran Beings also present, they put their paws on your kidneys. Kidneys store fear energies, and when we are constantly in a state of fear we block abundance. The Lyran Beings start healing your kidneys with golden Ankhs to transmute the fear related to any sphere of your life. You may be shown the colour of the fear being released. Fears also come from past lifetimes that is stagnant energies, that stunts your thriving. Master Ra heals your Solar Plexus Chakra which is your inner sun, here lies the ability for you to shine in the world. Insecurity, self-doubt and lack of direction clogs this energy. The Lyran Beings and Sun God Ra unlocks this chakra to liberate you to make decisions in your life. These energies also open up codes of remembering your ancient divine past, your role on earth, and why you reincarnated. You can repeat this meditation for 33 days. Please keep yourselves very well hydrated.
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