Manifesting Miracles

Last Update September 18, 2024
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About This Course

“Manifesting Miracles” are specially channeled Guided Meditations by Meghna Tara to help you unlock your Soul Gifts and Manifest Miracles in your lives!

Listening to these Guided Meditations every day will help the old energies to dislodge in your energy field and will make way for high-frequency healing light to guide your life!


21 Lessons

8. Unlock Your Soul Gifts with Goddess Isis

Navratri 2021 - Goddess Isis- Infuse yourself with ancient wisdom. Goddess Isis is working very closely with all you initiate of ancient Egypt. She teaches you how to open stargates and divine portals. Follow the guidance of Goddess Isis, across stargates. Know your divine past, and learn ancient knowledge from the times across. Carry the energy and knowledge codes forward into your human life and help uplift Gaia as a light worker. We recommend you keep yourself hydrated while doing the sessions. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.
8. Unlock Your Soul Gifts with Goddess Isis52:18

9. Unlock your Multidimensional Gifts with Goddess Atargathis

Navratri 2021 - Goddess Atargatis- Experience the initiation by the beautiful Goddess Atargatis, who comes to you in the form of a mermaid. She is here to integrate your higher dimensional aspects and be consciously reminded of your soul purpose. A plethora of information will be received by you and will be accessed by your conscious mind when the time is right. We recommend you keep yourself hydrated while doing the sessions. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

11. Unlock Your Gifts from Ancient Lifetimes

Navratri 2021 - Divine Lady Magdalene - Today, you're traveling to the serene city of Lemuria, the crystal kingdom is waiting to greet you! Divine Lady Magdalene is anchoring energies that will open up your memories from past lifetimes! Goddess Isis is also present to help you integrate the energies. You have had a very important lifetime in this divine city, get ready to access the information for your work as a warrior of light. We recommend you keep yourself hydrated while doing the sessions. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

16.11:11 – Heal & Manifest

11-11 Galactic Gateway-Clear your denseness of traumas as you are enveloped in the divine healing energies. The energies coming from the Inner Earth and the Pilar of light coming from the higher dimensions help release your blocks. The light accelerated your manifestations. You are a beacon of light! Surrender as you heal yourself and create a space of magic within you. Your magic will help Gaia through the path of Ascension. We recommend you increase your water intake before and after this meditation. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

21. Remembering Your Ancient Past Lifetimes

New Moon 2022 - Center yourself into the crystalline nature of your being as your Star family helps you heal with the divine light. Master Thoth and his divine counterpart, Seshat take you through numerous lifetimes restoring your memory and connection to the sacred land of Egypt. Reminisce about your earlier lifetimes, as many of you have been pioneers in setting up the energy foundation of today's world. Please keep yourselves very well hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

33. Find Your Purpose

Tune in with Gaia- Experience the exuberance of Gaia, as your guides take you to a high vibrational temple. Balance your energies by receiving healing, abundance, and memory activation codes for you to reconnect with your purpose. Heal, Energize, and Integrate the golden frequencies in all your chakras with the help of the benevolent Mother Goddess. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits. We recommend you increase your water intake.

55. Codes of Ascension

Ascension Portal Series -12-12 Ascension Code- Travel to the Ascension Temple in the 6th dimension etheric realm. This is your time to heal, this is your time to step into your power, this is your time! Be one with the light, where you are one with the source. Led by your Guide, the Chair of Ascension is waiting for you. We recommend you keep yourselves hydrated while doing these sessions. Please repeat this meditation for 18 days to gain its complete benefits.

56. Connecting to your Star Family

Ascension Portal Series - Winter Solstice - Your guides lead you to further complete your ascension journey. You are surrounded by a plethora of divine and ascended masters. Immerse yourself in the love and healing energies of your family of light - this is your homecoming! Surrender yourself and be swept away in the activations. We recommend you keep yourselves hydrated while doing these sessions. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

59. Manifest Your Intentions

Intention for New Year 2023 - Ground yourself in the presence of ascended masters to release your traumas and manifest your intentions in every aspect of your human life. Align yourself to your divine soul purpose and live an abundant life. We recommend you keep yourselves hydrated before and after the session. These energies are timeless and they will work with you whenever you do this meditation. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

75. Bring in Soul Gifts

Navratri 2023- Sacred Shakti - Goddess Durga - Goddess Durga works with your soul gifts across lifetimes and realms to bring them to your present realities. Travel across dimensions on a magical journey with Durga as she unlocks and explores lifetimes and the divine gifts that you hold. These gifts will accelerate your soul purpose, fill your life with magic and abundance, and lead you to the path of ascension. Please keep yourself hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 11 days to gain its complete benefits. Music Courtesy: Ananda Devi Vdovic, album "DURGA - Mantras for Protection" Music by Davor Vdovic.

82. Activate Your Warrior Spirit

Egypt 2023 - Serrapeum - Sacred Bull - You are surrounded by the energies of the Sacred Bull, engulfing your being. This light is activating your memory codes of the time when you had served the Sacred Bull in the magical land of Egypt. At that time, your Kundalini was active and you were a warrior, a protector of the earth. This transmission will activate your kundalini further and push out the energy blocks, as the time has come now for all you warriors and consciously start working towards our Mother, Gaia. Please keep yourself well-hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

89. Upgraded Ascension Codes

Egypt 2023 - Temple of Ascension in Luxor- Master Serapis Bey is here amongst the ascended masters to integrate the upgraded codes of ascension in your energy field. Your being is illuminated with the powerful healing, colorful codes that envelope your physical and energy body that is transmitted by him, working on your energy centers. Master El Morya and Lady Master Nada are also present to support this powerful process. Keep yourself very well hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 21 days to gain its complete benefits.

118. Ancient Sanskrit Mantras – Manifestations of Desires

Chamunda Mantra- This powerful mantra chant by Meghna invokes blessings from Mother Goddess Kali and her forms, Saraswati (Giver of Knowledge), and Mahalaxmi (Giver of Wealth), and to shield us with strength. This powerful mantra also untangles us from the knots of negativity in our minds and bodies. Benefits of chanting this mantra: Manifestations of your desires, Moving speedily towards your aspirations. Provides you protection from the darkness. Frees you from negative thinking. Brings focus and concentration to the mind You can repeat chanting this mantra for 33 days, 108 times each day. Please keep yourselves hydrated.

132. Codes of Manifestation

11.11- Charge your Merkaba and Codes of Manifestation- 11.11 is a union portal to balance the masculine and feminine energies within. We will be charging your Merkaba. Visit the Lemurian temple to work with alpha centaurians who will work with you to deposit codes of wealth consciousness in your DNA These codes also carry the frequency of manifestation and wish fulfillment. Keep yourself hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days.

134. Move forward

Full Moon Meditation 2023- Connect to the Galactic Federation to find out the next step of your soul's evolution. Energize your manifestation list and enhance your receptivity with the powerful full moon's energies channeled by Meghna. Please keep yourselves hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days.

139. Upgrade to 5th Dimensional Consciousness

New Year 2024 - Energies of Renewal- You are taken to the powerful temple on planet Sirius. Master Akhenaton, Master Krishna, Mother Goddess Isis, and Mother Goddess Sekhmet, integrate advanced codes to upgrade your chakra system to 5th-dimensional consciousness.
 Your higher heart and your third eye are also upgraded to this high frequency. Mother Sekhmet sends you healing energies at the back of your heart chakra. 
You visit the Hall of Akashic records, and your book of records sends you high-frequency light in alignment with the upgradation - this will bring in increased manifestations, and opening of your soul gifts all in alignment with your soul path. 
 Please repeat this meditation at least 33 times for its complete benefits. Please keep yourselves very well hydrated.

143. Magical Wish Fulfillment

Snow Full Moon 2024 by Meghna- We are working with the energies of change. In this meditation with the Mother Goddesses and Masters' help, we rearrange our lives energetically according to everything that we wish to bring into our lives as per our wants, desires, manifestation, and wish fulfillment. Enhance your receptivity and clear your traumas with the help of the Divine Beings of Light. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days and keep yourselves very well hydrated.

146. Sacred Wisdom from Egypt

Connecting to the Spirit of Egypt - Egypt 2024- Meghna orchestrates a powerful meditation anchoring your energies from the Sacred Land of Egypt to the crystalline core of Mother Earth which has a scroll. Through this scroll, you will be activating high-frequency codes from this sacred land of Egypt that match your energetic code. You have a divine connection with this Sacred Land and this information will get activated in your conscious mind. You carry sacred wisdom within you which is waiting to spread amongst the masses. You are the High Priest and Priestess of the Ancient Land of Atlantis. The Arcturians, Your Star Mother, and the Spirit of Egypt are present. It's time to merge your energies with these high-frequency energies. This helps to activate the Kundalini energy, which is the energy of awakening and leading a life of balance between the material world and the spiritual world. This powerful frequency activates the energy channels. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days and keep yourselves very well hydrated.

147. Step Into Your Power

Egypt 2024- Temple of Horus in Edfu - You are taken to the Blue Avian temple, the temple of Falcon-God Horus. Master Horus and Mother Goddess Hathor, the Divine Counterparts are present, they transfer the merged energies of union into your being. A plethora of colors, plasma lights, and rays are flowing through your being to activate various chakras and aspects of your being. You may see diamond-like sparkles on the white ray, which represents the innocence of the soul, which needs to be activated within. A feeling of child-like lightness and joy. If you see a red-diamond-like beam helps you step into your power. When you are in your power, no judgments or nudges from the world shake you. The powerful beam of light coming from the hands of the divine counterparts activates all the rays within your being. A powerful platinum light brings together the magical light from all the universes and fills your heart center to integrate these powerful energies. Allow yourself to receive these powerful high-frequency healing lights. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days and keep yourselves very well hydrated.

152. Merging of your Conscious & Subconscious Mind

Egypt 2024-Re-learn Ancient Wisdom with Mother Goddess Isis - There are powerful healing lights, that have the ancient wisdom to start healing your 14 subtle bodies that hold traumas, pain, and rage that is held within. Mother Goddess Isis is here, and she is transferring the codes of ancient wisdom and memories. These are the codes to decode the structure of your energy field about the mystery schools of ancient times. These codes burst open your physical body, to make their way into your energy system to bring in decoding to understand your power, these codes then travel to your logical mind to be brought into a conscious action. You are filled with these codes of sacred ancient wisdom. Mother Goddess Hathor is also present and she activates the hidden soul gifts of music, beauty, and dance. She also helps release emotional pain stored within your energy field for eons of time. You also receive visualization codes as the Mother Goddesses activate your Third Eye Chakra. And she places a feather at the base of your spine to assist Mother Kundalini to awaken. You may see an eye in your Third Eye as it is completely activated. The fire energy also fills up your leg region eliminating any blocks that prevent you from moving forward. The codes of integration are now sent to your DNA by the mother goddesses. The ascended masters, mother goddesses, and the divine know your soul path very well, they encourage you to listen to their messages through various mediums. Once you start listening to the messages, there is a clear direction shown to you, you only have to keep tuning into the divine guidance. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days and keep yourselves very well hydrated.

158. Trauma Healing with Mahavatar Babaji

Mahavatar Babaji is here, he is our divine father, and his warmth is unparalleled. A big beam of light comes from his heart center, this is the ray that is going to propel you onto the divine path, surrendering, and feeling invincible. He is also activating your third eye, which is going to enable you to see in the future. We all have this gift, we only need to unravel it. There is a beautiful symbol of union in the center of your heart, your entire chest is emanating this light. Babaji also activates your crown chakra, allowing you to download wisdom and connect strongly with your guides, enabling you to follow your divine path. The Acturians, the master healers are also present and healing you. You will have access to this wisdom once you surrender to divine guidance. Please keep yourselves very well hydrated. You may repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.
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