Shravan 2023 with Meghna Tara

Last Update September 4, 2024
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4 Lessons

109. 1st Tara Shaktipath ~ Energy Transference – Soul Evolution

Soul Evolution 1st Tara Shaktipath-Shravan 2023-Meghna channels the powerful divine family of Master Shiva, Mother Goddess Parvati, Lord Ganesha, and Master Kartikey along with the Sacred Bull ~ Nandi, and the Elemental Kingdom in this Shravan Sadhana. Master Shiva disintegrates any external and distorted energies influencing your energy field. Mother Goddess Parvati supports this powerful process and her warmth is heartwarming! This is your step towards your soul evolution! Keep yourselves hydrated and eat clean whenever you are repeating this powerful transmission. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits
109. 1st Tara Shaktipath ~ Energy Transference – Soul Evolution00:54:50

110. 2nd Tara Shakipath ~ Energy Transference – Heal Your Traumas

Heal Your Traumas 2nd Tara Shaktipath-Shravan 2023-You are taken to the Great Mount Kailash. Master Shiva and his Divine Counterpart, Mother Goddess Parvati are present. You are here to heal your emotional body and traumas from across lifetimes. All the feelings of sadness, pain, injustice, anger, being unheard and unseen, and worthlessness - are present in our subconscious mind. These emotions get triggered as Karmic situations and we tend to fall into the same rut. Our traumas hinder our growth and evolution of the soul. Release this now, with Meghna orchestrating and helping you transmute these traumas and emotions in the presence and warmth of the divine. Be a vessel of compassion and love that you are! Keep yourself very well hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits

111. 3rd Tara Shaktipath – Mother Kali – Doing Inner Work

Doing Inner Work 3rd Tara Shaktipath – Mother Kali-Meghna channels the powerful energies of Mother Goddess Kali in this session. The Mother Goddess takes you to her ethereal temple. Powerful divine beings are present there to initiate your alignment with the energies of the divine. She applauds your efforts and your courage to work so diligently with yourself. She transfers the codes of protection into your energy field. You start jumping timelines as you ascend through your inner work and healing. The five pillars: Mother Goddess Kali, Master Shiva, Mother Goddess Parvati, Master Ganesh, and Master Sheshnaag, are working with you. Please keep yourselves hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits

112. 4th Tara Shaktipath – Energy Transference ~ Culmination of Shravan Energies – Portal of Unification

Portal of Unification 4th Tara Shaktipath/Energy Transference - Culmination of Shravan Energies Meditate and allow the divine energies channeled by Meghna to culminate in this powerful final session of Shravan. It's time to integrate these energies to propel forward movement and push out everything that's not serving you! Experience the powerful session in the divine energy portal of unification channeled by Meghna. The divine ethereal Masters are present to help integrate the energies. Allow the high vibrational frequency to flow through your physical vessel, breaking your karmic knots and allowing you to ascend in your spiritual path! Please keep yourselves very well hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.
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