
Spiritual Growth

Winds of Ascension by Meghna


Winds of Ascension by Meghna

This is an excerpt from a message channeled by Meghna during the portal of 777 earlier this year.

“The energies that are coming in from a few months are amplified because many powerful portals have opened up.

This particular time is extremely important because we are undergoing changes in our lives, not only human lives but also spiritual lives. And the entire energetic makeup for us is changing.
It is extremely important at this time to make sure that we look after ourselves very well.
We need to be very focused on ourselves and not get dragged on by the external circumstances of the 3D. We are in the 3D world. You know what 3D means here, it’s the fictional reality and the drama we have created for ourselves as human beings. But we need to focus on ourselves. These are the energies of reset.
These downloads of energies will bring upheaval in your lives, as in when you are resetting something when you rearrange your living room, and readjust the position of your furniture, for a while, everything’s a mess, right?

The whole space becomes chaotic, only to settle down in the best new setup. 
So these energies urge us all to turn our focus inwards.
Don’t push it under the carpet of unprocessed emotions, observe yourself! If you are seeing a lot of chaos in your lives currently, observe yourself, and understand the inner guidance. If you don’t then whatever is happening, it might bring you down even more.
It is going to start impacting your health, your finances, your spirituality, that is, your own soul path is going to get affected. It takes a human with a lot of courage to withstand the winds of change.The change is coming towards you, the energies are coming towards you, but can you stand against the pressure?

You can also look at it as a test by the Divine, step into a higher version of ourselves, step into a higher realm of energies. I feel it’s just an ongoing process, information which keeps coming. And my endeavor has always been to tell you to look after yourselves, be there for yourselves, look after yourself like a baby, rather than allowing other people to keep pulling you down in the drama.
They are going to do it because those are tests that are put in your place. But are you strong enough to weather that?
Are you strong enough to face it and say, okay, these situations don’t bother me, I’m going to keep going my way and focus on my daily practices and self care. Can you stick to your own decisions that you have taken for yourself? If your energy field has become mucked up, because for a lot of you here, there has been denseness accumulated, you may or may not feel it.

The key is to keep going. As long as you’re put back onto the path as the spiritual warriors or the divine beings of light. The Divine never leaves you because the Divine has a lot of love, ascended masters, your guides have a lot of love for you, a lot of love for you, like we have a lot of love for our children. We don’t want our children to fail. We don’t want our children to fall down. We are always there as parents to look after our children. The masters are always around us to look after us, even if we fall down.
And when do we fall down?  When we use our logical thinking, when we refuse to listen to the messages, the guides, our own intuition, and we choose to do things which are detrimental for our growth. You may fall down once, you may fall down ten times. They are still there loving you.
They will still pick you up.
But what happens in this whole thing is that your growth becomes slow.
So where you’re supposed to reach a little faster, you may just take maybe ten months to reach where you could have reached it in one month.
There is no judgment on that. Again, because it’s your wish. They are empowering you by understanding what is good for you so that you can understand what is good for you.
If you choose to fall down again and again, sure, take your time.
The messages will still keep coming in for you. The love will still keep coming for you.
The blessings will still keep coming for you.
That’s not going to stop. That’s definitely not going to stop.
But your life is in your hands.
It’s as simple as that.
Do you want to comb your hair? Or you don’t want to let it get knotted?
Your wish and your choice.
It will be respected so you can live the way you wish to, according to the decisions that you take on an everyday basis.”

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