About us

About Meghna

Meghna is an energy worker, healer, channeler from the higher dimensions, spiritual teacher, and a multi-dimensional galactic translator. She is a catalyst and energy conduit for Spirit Guides.

Meghna has all her Clairs activated, making her a Clairvoyant, Clairsentient, Claircognizance, Clairlience, and Clairaudient. She transmits energy words through her voice and hands in the form of very rapid multi-dimensional Light Languages.

These languages are of source creation and love. The light languages are profoundly energy-healing and regenerating. She feels that she has made a connection with her soul memory and that she was able to do this in her past lives also.

She encourages you to tap into your soul memories and find your soul’s gifts. One of Meghna’s roles is to bring about a balance between the masculine and feminine energies on the planet and activate human potential and increase Gaia’s frequencies.

She works with the 12 strands of DNA genetic code aiding human beings to connect to their original source and move onto the path of Ascension. She channels the light beings, ascended masters, and brings in light codes.

Meghna is an activator of human potential, bringing in a spiritual, physical, and conscious upgrade in your vibrations, which allows you to step into the golden age on earth. There are a number of tools being given by the spirit for people to work on, so they can move onto the path of Ascension.

These tools are directly channeled from many Light Beings, the Divine, and Spirit and support one’s awakening process, and self-discovery. Some other tools given are sacred geometry, channeled writings, light codes, and sounds.

She also supports humanity by conducting spiritual tours in India and abroad. Benevolent streams of light, energy, and sound flow through her, giving peace, love, and harmony to those who are exposed to her work.

About Meghna (Facebook Post (Landscape)) (1)