888 – Lions Gate Portal 2024- Clearing Negative Karma & Soul Fragments Retrieval

Last Update September 4, 2024
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172. Lions Gate Portal 2024- Clearing Negative Karma & Soul Fragments Retrieval

The Lions Gate portal is linked to the Great Pyramids and the Sirius star nation. This portal brings in energies and codes of abundance and higher frequencies. You are taken to the Great Pyramids by your guides. A shower of divine light clears the low vibrational karma, present in your energy field. Your ancestral or generational karma is also healed and cleared at this time. There are aspects or fragments of your soul from across timelines and dimensions that are being called back to you at this time. Please repeat this meditation for at least 44 days to help heal and balance your karmas and retrieve your soul fragments. Keep yourselves very well hydrated.
172. Lions Gate Portal 2024- Clearing Negative Karma & Soul Fragments Retrieval00:00:00
For the Indian Family of Light, kindly fill out the Registration form to initiate your access to the meditations.

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