Ancestral Healing

Last Update September 4, 2024
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For the Indian Family of Light, kindly fill out the Registration form to initiate your access to the meditations.


8 Lessons

20. Raise Your Consciousness

Higher Consciousness 2022-With merriment and peace, walk towards your path to ascension. Release and break the karmic and ancestral patterns to raise yourself to Christ's Consciousness. This journey of soul evolution will help cleanse and raise every cell of your body toward resurrection and divinity. Of love, light, and the expanse of your heart through the higher dimensional beings. Please keep yourselves very well hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.
20. Raise Your Consciousness44:55

86. Healing Limiting Belief Systems

Flower of Life - Abydos - Egypt 2023- Mother Goddess Isis and Master Osiris represent Mother Earth and Father Sky. Experience oneness with Father Sky and Mother Earth. They illuminate your being with their light, expanding your heart center with the energies of the Flower of Life. This energy symbolizes the universal Law of One! All the multiverses, star nations, universes, planets, and parallel realities - all come under the umbrella of the Law of One! This light unifies strength and transmutes any lower vibrating frequencies. This is it - transcend your limiting belief systems and be in a perfect balance of your masculine and feminine energies! Please keep yourself hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 21 days to gain its complete benefits.

106. Healing the Poverty Consciousness

Karma Clearance Day 1-Meghna works with the Powerful Master Lady Nada and Ascended Masters to cleanse your Karmic baggage from across lifetimes. Your ancestral lineage is healed of pain and traumas. The energy of financial lack is cleansed from across your ancestral line. Cut your energetic cords with the old, and drop your karmas that no longer serve your growth. Please keep yourselves very well hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

124. Healing Limiting Belief Systems with the Dragons

Navratri 2023 - Dragon Goddess Celestia -You are taken to the powerful Mother Celestia, who works with eradicating belief systems and helps you heal your timelines and release the darkness within The powerful energies of Dragons help you release the dense traumas carried in your energy field. The deep-rooted belief systems and painful emotions are released and healed. You may repeat this meditation 33 times. Please keep yourselves hydrated.

125. Heal Poverty Consciousness

Navratri 2023 - Goddess Lakshmi and the Nine-Tailed Fox Goddess-Goddess Lakshmi and the Nine-Tailed Fox Goddess are the goddesses of abundance and prosperity. They work with eradicating the poverty consciousness. They align your energies to abundance consciousness by activating codes of abundance.
 Please repeat this meditation 33 times. Please keep yourselves hydrated.

133. Clearing the Past Toxic Patterns

Gratitude with Ancestors- You are taken to a forest land where your ancestors and the Spirit of Gratitude are present. The divine violet flame will burn all the denseness to make space for the energy of gratitude in your life! Transmute all the negative emotions from past situations that take up space in your heart into the frequency of gratitude and love. Please keep yourself hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days.

136. Heal Generational Patterns

12:12 Portal-Meghna works with the Ascended Masters as we enter into the 12:12 portal.
Bringing in the codes of strength, persistence, and perseverance to give you the energy and forward movement to bring in the necessary changes. Work with Master El Morya to clear off the old generational patterns, to step into a very clear future, with new, benevolent supporting energies.
 When we let go and bring things to a close, we open up more space energetically for magic to happen. Please keep yourselves hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days.

145. Heal Your Belief Systems

Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse Meditation by Meghna Tara- It's time to acknowledge, embrace, and drop our learned beliefs that are hindering our forward movement. You are taken to Mount Kailash, there is a path, and this path leads to a Sacred Garden in the foothills of the mountain. You are taken to a luminescent Rainbow bridge by your Spirit Guides, you are met by so many ethereal fairies and light beings. While walking on the bridge, you are stopped and you see various placards mushrooming from the ground. These are messages from the Divine as to what is hindering your growth. These placards read, 'Fear of the unknown', 'fear of change', 'I know better', 'I know everything', 'fear of success', 'taking responsibility for your own life', 'lack of trust', 'fear of being attacked', 'fear of accepting love', 'low self-esteem', 'lack of belief that you are the divine being', and many more. It's time to understand what's blocking you from moving forward on the Rainbow Bridge toward self-realization and ascension. Heal and drop these. Your heart knows the truth, it's the essence of your core self. Please practice this meditation for 33 days. Kindly keep yourselves very well-hydrated.
For the Indian Family of Light, kindly fill out the Registration form to initiate your access to the meditations.

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