Ancient Sanskrit Mantras with Meghna Tara

Last Update September 4, 2024
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116. Goddess Green Tara Mantra – Liberation from Fears

Liberation from Fears Ancient Sanskrit Mantras with Meghna - Goddess Green Tara Mantra- Chant the powerful Green Tara Mantra with Meghna. ~Invoking the energies of this mantra calls for the protection of Mother Goddess Green Tara to help remove our fears, and heal our vibrations in our energy field. ~This helps us attract only higher frequency energies in the forms of situationships, relationships, and healing energies in our lives. ~Chanting this mantra helps you elevate your frequency to a higher dimension. ~Liberate you from repetitive patterns, disintegrating the Karmic energies, and also help you clear disturbing thoughts You may chant the mantra 108 times for 33 days. Keep yourselves very well hydrated.
116. Goddess Green Tara Mantra – Liberation from Fears40:02

117. Shiva Mantra – Open Your Heart

Ancient Sanskrit Mantras - Open Your Heart Shiva Mantra-This is a powerful ancient mantra that invokes the energies of Master Shiva, the epitome of Divine Masculine Energy. Chanting this mantra helps imbibe the qualities of Master Shiva and helps raise our consciousness. Benefits of chanting this mantra ~Detachment from the matrix ~Opening your heart, as Master Shiva is the Greatest Giver ~Bring in the energies of Courage and Balance ~Each chant is said to represent creation, manifestation, and destruction ~Brings in energies of justice ~Purity of heart - brings out the qualities of innocence ~Compassion and Self-control ~Helps you to open your third eye ~Energies of the balance of past, present, and future. You may chant this mantra 108 times for 33 days. Please keep yourself very well hydrated.

118. Chamunda Mantra – Manifestations of Desires

Manifestations of Desires Chamunda Mantra- This powerful mantra chant by Meghna invokes blessings from Mother Goddess Kali and her forms, Saraswati (Giver of Knowledge), and Mahalaxmi (Giver of Wealth), and to shield us with strength. This powerful mantra also untangles us from the knots of negativity in our minds and bodies. Benefits of chanting this mantra: ~Manifestations of your desires, ~Moving speedily towards your aspirations. ~Provides you protection from the darkness. Frees you from negative thinking. ~Brings focus and concentration to the mind You can repeat chanting this mantra for 33 days, 108 times each day. Please keep yourselves hydrated.

119. Ganesha Mantra – Removal of Obstacles

Ancient Sanskrit Mantras - Removal of Obstacles Ganesha Mantra-This is a powerful chant by Meghna, that invokes the energies of Lord Ganesha, the epitome of Divine wisdom, Removal of Obstacles, intellect, and new beginnings. Benefits of chanting this mantra ~Removes the energy distortions in our energy field which create stress, uncertainty, and unbalance. ~The powerful energies of this manta get infused with our energy field and it helps us to overcome our fears and create energies of peace and harmony. ~Chanting this mantra removes any blocks or obstacles in our lives. You can continue chanting this mantra for 33 days, 108 times each day. Please keep yourselves hydrated.

120. Gauri Mantra – Increase Your Empathy

Ancient Sanskrit Mantras - Increase Your Empathy Gauri Mantra-Devi Mahagauri represents purity, beauty, calmness, softness, and wisdom. She teaches one composure and peace. Benefits of chanting this mantra: ~Enhances your intuition, ~Brings you in touch with your empathic side ~Brings in connection with your divine feminine energies which are directly linked to this powerful mother goddess ~Brings in Stability of thoughts ~Consistent Behavioral Patterns ~Opening of your heart, coming from a space of love ~Openness, softness, and compassion. You can continue chanting this mantra for 33 days, 108 times each day. Please keep yourselves hydrated.

121. Kundalini Mantra – Raise Your Consciousness

Ancient Sanskrit Mantras - Raise Your Consciousness Ancient Sanskrit Mantras - Kundalini Mantra - Kundalini Mantra is a cosmic blend of the unification of masculine and feminine energies. It lights the Root Chakra and moves upwards. This powerful chant by Meghna heals and harmonizes any imbalances with its power and energy. Benefits of chanting this mantra: ~ Manifestation ~ You start working towards your purpose in life, your Divine Mission ~Doors start opening up ~Abundance starts coming in ~Your intuition will suddenly improve. ~Rising to a Higher Consciousness You can chant this mantra for 33 days, 108 times each day. Please keep yourselves hydrated.
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