Attract Abundance

Last Update September 4, 2024
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14 Lessons

13. Codes of Abundance

Navratri 2021- Goddess Laxmi-Soak in the divine presence of the ethereal loving Mother Goddess Laxmi, she is full of light and benevolence! The mother goddess activates the codes of abundance and initiates you into the golden frequencies. This will dissolve all your blockages and inner traumas to open a beautiful, seamless path for your soul ascension! We recommend you keep yourself hydrated while doing the sessions. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.
13. Codes of Abundance00:00:00

31. Connect to the Spirit of Wealth

Akshaya Tritya 2022-Connect to the Spirit of Wealth and experience the golden light of the Masters. Integrate the code of abundance, and heal yourself on your way to exuberance in every aspect of your life. Heal your DNA with these golden frequencies of light and ascension in the presence of Master Shiva, Lord Ganesha, Mother Goddess Laxmi, and Mother Goddess Parvati. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits. We recommend you increase your water intake.

43. Heal Your Pride

Navratri 2022 - Mahakali -Travel to the ethereal place brimming with Gaia’s abundance. The benevolent Mother Goddess Kali represents time, change, creation, destruction, and power. She is here to help establish a connection to the spirit and unity consciousness. She performs transmission of energies through a divine crystal that helps in defining ego and a path of self-righteousness for you! We recommend you keep yourselves hydrated while doing these sessions. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

45. Increasing Your Abundance

Navratri 2022 - Mahalaxmi -Step into the manifestation of new beginnings, an abundant life, into the purity of consciousness. Goddess Mahalakshmi also known as Parashakti is here to protect you forever against all evils. She also blesses you with abundant good health and fortune. Soak yourself in the divine love of the benevolent mother goddess of abundance! We recommend you keep yourselves hydrated while doing these sessions. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

49. Download the Codes of Abundance

Prosperity Day 1- Your guides take you to a higher realm, to the Cave of Abundance. Soak in the glitter and magic of this ethereal dimension. You are in the divine presence of the ascended master, Lord Kuber. Acturians, Syrians, and Orions are also present. You are made to sit on a pile of gold-laden coins with golden and silver frequencies and soak in this divine moment to help align with the codes and frequencies of abundance. We recommend you keep yourselves hydrated while doing these sessions. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

50. Heal Your Subconscious Patterns

Prosperity Day 2-Your guides take to you the star system of Andromedan where the codes of abundance are integrated within you. Experience the exuberance of beauty and peace at this pinnacle of abundance and soak in the divinity! Heal your conscious and subconsciousness in the presence of your Andromedan Star Family. We recommend you keep yourselves hydrated while doing these sessions. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

51. Download the Codes of Prosperity and Health

Prosperity Day 3-Your guides take you to the temple of Goddess Laxmi and Master Vishnu. Soak in the serenity of this divine place, with chants and bells. You are also in the divine presence of the Andromedans, Lord Kuber, Sheshnaag along with Vishnu and Laxmi. The mantra chants support you as you integrate the downloads channeled by Meghna. Master Shiva also joins in to add more codes of prosperity and health into your being. Lord Kuber helps seal all these codes of abundance into your energy field. Surrender and receive the codes with gratitude. We recommend you keep yourselves hydrated while doing these sessions. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

67. Your Role as a Divine Worker

Lady Master Venus-Travel to Shambhala as Lady Master Venus takes you on an enchanting journey to heal your aspects and energize you with love. She will invoke your memories of your divine lifetimes as a volunteer of light and love. The abundance of everything will also be activated to help you align yourself and find your divine purpose on our dear Gaia. Experience the loving exuberance of Mother Goddesses and Ascended Masters to ascend through your journey and fill your heart with high frequencies. Please keep yourselves hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

76. Understanding Sacred Geometry

Navratri - Sacred Shakti- Pallas Athena-Work with Pallas Athena in the Temple of Truth. Learn the process of the alchemy of putting together light particles to make it a whole, along with understanding how sacred geometries are encoded with wisdom. There is a very strong presence of Father Sky, Angels, and the Sacred Owl.
 Please keep yourself hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

88. Song of the Nile ~ Attract Abundance ~ Egypt 2023

Experience the ultimate abundance as Meghna channels the powerful 'Song of the Nile' from Mother Nile herself. She has channeled this divine energy in the form of a song while working on the participants physically present and receiving energies in the river Nile. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

131. Codes of Wealth Consciousness

November Magic - Lord Kuber Integrates Codes of Wealth Consciousness-You’re taken to the divine golden city of Lord Kuber. He is the master of abundance, money, and wish fulfillment. He is going to strengthen your power to manifest. In today’s time, all the masters are working for us to empower us to create better realities through the thoughts we hold. 

 He integrates the codes of manifestation and wish fulfillment in your energy field. This energy also has the power to transmute negative thoughts. Anytime a low-frequency thought comes to you, it will be replaced by positive thoughts. 
Please repeat this meditation for 33 days. Please keep yourselves hydrated.

159. Akshaya Tritya – Abundance Portal

Akshaya Tritiya ~ The Abundance Portal -Healing abandonment wounds - Inner child You are taken to the Chamber of Abundance in the Cosmic Sanctuary of the Masters in the Higher Realms. You are asked to lay down on a healing bed and your healing team from your star planet surrounds you. They are here to release wounds where you have felt alone, lonely, unsupported, unloved, and rejected by the people in your life. Mother Goddess Lakshmi and her Divine Counterpart Master Vishnu bless you with abundance energies. You can repeat this meditation for 33 days. Please keep yourselves very well hydrated.

163. Doorway to Abundance – 8.8 Portal

Lions gate portal or 8.8 portal is a doorway of abundance and brings in codes of abundance, and codes of reactivation to energise your 12 structure DNA template. When this happens you connect to your divinity, you find the middle path. You find yourself anchoring yourself firmly to the earth and at the same time following your guidance as to how to move on the spiritual path. The Activation of DNA brings in Soul gifts a strong connection with your guides. This energy also brings in energies of divine feminine codes which balance the divine masculine and feminine and is orchestrated by Meghna. Please do this meditation for at least 33 days and keep yourselves very well hydrated.

170. Aligning Your Chakras to the New Template of Abundance

Super Blue Moon August 2024 with Meghna Tara – Aligning Your Chakras with the New Template of Abundance Join Meghna Tara as she orchestrates a powerful full moon meditation in the presence of Mother Goddess Moon and Mother Goddess Isis. Full moon are energy gateways that propel you to manifest abundance and to heal your emotional traumas and wounds. These energies will give you the clarity to see your lives and paths with a fresh perspective. Mother Goddess Isis upgrades all your 7 chakras with the new template of abundance. As well as clearing your central channel in the back of any energetic debris caused by unprocessed emotions and old timelines. Please repeat this meditation for at least 44 days to receive healing and help the dislodgment of old energies for new healing light to integrate into your physical and etheric body. Keep yourselves very well hydrated.
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