Balancing Masculine & Feminine Energies

Last Update September 4, 2024
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8 Lessons

28. Energies of Hope, Faith & Trust

20-20 Portal-The 20-20 Portal serves as a reminder for us to know that, no matter what happens in our world, we are in a time of cooperation, compassion, duality, and harmony! Our planetary guardians, Master Shiva and Mother Goddess Parvati are here to help balance the divine masculine and the divine feminine energies. Allow these high vibrational frequencies from the great central sun and the sacred symbols to heal you, and energize you in the presence of a plethora of Ascended Masters like Lady Master Venus, Archangel Michael, Master Sananda, and many more. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits. We recommend you increase your water intake.
28. Energies of Hope, Faith & Trust55:48

29. Coming into Inner Union

Mahashivratri 2021-Be a part of the union of the Masculine and the Feminine energies, our planetary guardians, Master Shiva and Mother Goddess Parvati have called you to the Kedarnath temple. This energy spot is directly connected to Mount Kailash. Soak in the high vibrational platinum light to overcome the darkness and ignorance to move toward the ascension path. Rise above the human grid, rise above the emotions to become a limitless being of light! Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits. We recommend you increase your water intake.

39. Balance your Masculine & Feminine – Shiva & Parvati

Mahavatar Babaji 2022- Lord Shiva Activation & Meditation- Your guides take you to a serene temple to meet Master Shiva and his divine counterpart, Mother Goddess Parvati. The masters help you clear dark aspects to bring about a balance in the Masculine and Feminine energies. The activations help you integrate codes of abundance. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits. We recommend you increase your water intake.

61. Union of the Masculine & Feminine Energies

Maha Shiv Raatri'23- Mahashivratri is a portal of the union of Masculine and Feminine energies present within us – the inner union of Shiva & Shakti. These high frequencies balance both these polarities and upgrade your DNA to the 12th-strand frequency. Keep yourselves hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits. Music credit- Chidananda-Deva Premal

112. Portal of Unification

4th Tara Shaktipath/Energy Transference - Culmination of Shravan Energies - Meditate and allow the divine energies channeled by Meghna to culminate in this powerful final session of Shravan. It's time to integrate these energies to propel forward movement and push out everything that's not serving you! Experience the powerful session in the divine energy portal of unification channeled by Meghna. The divine ethereal Masters are present to help integrate the energies. Allow the high vibrational frequency to flow through your physical vessel, breaking your karmic knots and allowing you to ascend in your spiritual path! Please keep yourselves very well hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

154. Light Language – Balance & Release any distortions from your Masculine Energies – King’s Chamber, Pyramid of Giza, Egypt 2024

Meghna channels powerful light codes from the King's Chamber in the Pyramid of Giza, in Egypt. This is a Stargate to Star Nations, Higher Realms, and a passage for all the higher wisdom and guidance coming to our 3rd-dimensional realm. This light language will help you to release any distortions from your inner masculine energies. The collective energies of the divine masculine have become distorted giving rise to patriarchy and faulty belief systems. These high-frequency codes and light language singing will release all the debris paving a path for the Divine Masculine to balance itself and rise within. Please repeat this for 33 days and keep yourselves very well hydrated.

157. Balancing of Masculine & Feminine Energies – Shiva-Shakti

Balancing of Masculine & Feminine Energies – Shiva-Shakti- Meghna guides you into a powerful meditation that balances your masculine and feminine aspects. Master Shiva and Mother Goddess Parvati are here to balance your energies and your entire Chakra system. A big ball of light is placed by the Masters in your heart center, which continuously works to bring your energy body into divine alignment. These high frequencies merge in the Pineal Gland bringing in an automatic activation. Any imbalance in our energy body translates to an imbalance in our physical world. When we consciously work with ourselves, we bring about an acceleration in Divine guidance and support. Please do this meditation for at least 33 days. It's important to be very well-hydrated.

162. Codes of Unification and Wisdom – Mahashivratri 2024

You are taken to the Pyramid of Giza, you walk through the high vibrational hallways under the Pyramid. The codes and wisdom of your path and purpose are being downloaded into your DNA and it leads to an awakening. 

 Identify your role in the Ascension of Mother Earth: Are you a portal opener? The Guardian of the Earth? Do you work with Star Gates? Do you assist the Ascended Masters in their temples? The codes of unification and consistency are also being transferred, your wounded masculine and feminine aspects and patterns are healed at this time. It’s important to surrender, heal, release, and receive.

 This is a very important and powerful process to experience an upgrade in your spiritual journey channeled by Meghna Tara. Please do this meditation for at least 21 days and keep yourselves very well hydrated.
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