Christ Consciousness 2023

Last Update September 4, 2024
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138. Codes of Crystalline Consciousness- Christ Consciousness 2023

Codes of Crystalline Consciousness Christ Consciousness 2023-The codes of crystalline consciousness are transmitted in your energy field by the Divine beings, Mother Goddess Isis, Parvati, Master Sananda, Master Melchizedek, the Spirit of the Sand, and our dear Gaia. A bridge is formed to take you from conditional love to unconditional love frequency. The golden beam unifies our inner masculine and inner feminine energies. The crystalline codes of sovereignty are also embedded in your energy field to step up completely into your power! Your energies and power are being brought back from lifetimes and situations back into your knees, as knees are your power points. Wisdom is brought into your heart center through your higher heart from your parent-nation. When the higher heart activates, the seeds of crystalline consciousness stir up and we start experiencing positive changes in our lives. Please keep yourselves very well hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days.
138. Codes of Crystalline Consciousness- Christ Consciousness 202300:34:30
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