Know Your Origins – Galactic Workshop

Last Update September 4, 2024
11 already enrolled
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5 Lessons

1. Day 1 – Activate Your Light Language

Galactic Workshop - Day 1 - Light Language Take the first step towards consciously opening your path to the Galactic world. Dive into the divinity of activating your Merkaba or the Light Body Vehicle, bringing about a balance and healing between your feminine and masculine aspects. This will help you in the activation and integration of the light language. The light language is the universal language of love. We recommend you listen to this meditation as many times as you can until you start channeling the light codes. Please keep yourselves hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 40 days
Day 1: Activate Your Light Language29:56

2. Day 2 – Claire Activation

Activate your Claire Senses and unlock the memories of your past lifetimes. In this divine session, your Claire Voyence, Claire Cognizance, Claire Sentient, and Claire Audience get activated. The masters from the entire Galactic Federation are here to enable and activate the dormant senses. This gift will not only accelerate your spiritual journey but also create a beautiful connection with your higher self leading to an abundance of human life. Please keep yourselves hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 21 days

3. Day 3 – Higher Chakras

In your Galactic journey, travel to the King's Chamber in the Great Pyramid to activate your higher chakras in the divine presence of many powerful, ascended masters like Archangel Metatron, Mother Goddess Sekhmet, Mother Mary, Lord Akhinathan, the Great Divine Director, Lady Portia, Master Thot, Master Maharaiya and many more. This activation will open up special skills and abilities to enhance your experience. Clear all your traumas and low frequencies as you progress on your path. We recommend you keep yourself hydrated while doing the sessions.

4. Day 4 – Soul Integration

Master Shiva and Master Buddha are here to help you re-claim all your lost soul fragments across lifetimes. This process will help you release your trauma and heal the fragments of your soul that lay across realms and lifetimes. Be whole, once again. Reclaim your being and energy. You are surrounded by the love of celestial beings, angels, and ethereal music! You are safe, this is your calling! The masters help you not only recall your soul fragments but also integrate them into your being, making you the whole divine being that you are! We recommend you keep yourself hydrated while doing the sessions.

5. Day 5 – DNA Activation

Travel to the temple of love and be in the divine presence of Lady Venus, Goddess Durga, Goddess Parvati, Mother Goddess Kali, and Master Shiva, amongst many ascended masters. This activation will help clear past and present karmas related to inherited diseases, limiting belief systems, coming through your ancestral lines. You are soaked in the divine celestial light in the temple of ascended masters. Anchor this light in your DNA and break the patterns that you are carrying. Claim and repair your divine DNA in this ethereal light. We recommend you keep yourself hydrated while doing the sessions.
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