Energies of Renewal

Last Update September 4, 2024
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139. Energies of Renewal

Upgrade to 5th Dimensional Consciousness New Year 2024 - Energies of Renewal- You are taken to the powerful temple on planet Sirius. Master Akhenaton, Master Krishna, Mother Goddess Isis, and Mother Goddess Sekhmet, integrate advanced codes to upgrade your chakra system to 5th-dimensional consciousness.
 Your higher heart and your third eye are also upgraded to this high frequency. Mother Sekhmet sends you healing energies at the back of your heart chakra. 
You visit the Hall of Akashic records, and your book of records sends you high-frequency light in alignment with the upgradation - this will bring in increased manifestations, and opening of your soul gifts all in alignment with your soul path. 
 Please repeat this meditation at least 33 times for its complete benefits. Please keep yourselves very well hydrated.
139. Energies of Renewal00:32:01
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