Heal Your Emotional Wounds

Last Update September 4, 2024
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42 Lessons

13. Codes of Abundance

Navratri 2021- Goddess Laxmi-Soak in the divine presence of the ethereal loving Mother Goddess Laxmi, she is full of light and benevolence! The mother goddess activates the codes of abundance and initiates you into the golden frequencies. This will dissolve all your blockages and inner traumas to open a beautiful, seamless path for your soul ascension! We recommend you keep yourself hydrated while doing the sessions. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.
13. Codes of Abundance00:00:00

7. Release Your Negative Patterns with Goddess Kali

Navratri 2021- Goddess Kali-The benevolent Mother Goddess Kali is here to transmute your blockages and dark aspects. The clearance takes place not only within your physical but also in etheric and emotional bodies. This deep clearance will penetrate through lifetimes and prepare your vessel to receive healing light from the mother. We recommend you keep yourself hydrated while doing the sessions. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

12. Clear Self Doubt

Navratri 2021 - Goddess Hermitath-Your guides take you to meet the guardian of the portals, Goddess Hermitath. Receive and integrate extremely important information. The Mother Goddess also teaches you how to filter out the lower frequencies that will help accelerate your soul purpose. She acquaints you to your essence! Doubt has no place here as you are moving towards your soul growth. We recommend you keep yourself hydrated while doing the sessions. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

13. Heal Your Inner Traumas

Navratri 2021- Goddess Laxmi-Soak in the divine presence of the ethereal loving Mother Goddess Laxmi, she is full of light and benevolence! The mother goddess activates the codes of abundance and initiates you into the golden frequencies. This will dissolve all your blockages and inner traumas to open a beautiful, seamless path for your soul ascension! We recommend you keep yourself hydrated while doing the sessions. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

17. Cut Energy Cords

Lunar Eclipse & Guru Nanak Jayanti 2021-Travel to the ancient snow-clad temple on Mount Kailash. You are surrounded by a plethora of ascended masters. The Archangels are here to clear your energy field. This process is done to cut off all the energy cords that don't serve you anymore across lifetimes. Heal in the presence of masters and clear off all the energies that may be holding you back or causing delays in manifestations. Allow yourself to absorb and receive the energies of the masters around you, it's time to surrender and heal! Master Gurunanak is also here to work on your Stellar Gateway Chakra, the transmission center that connects you to the Great Central Sun. Soak in this divine healing light! We recommend you increase your water intake before and after this meditation. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

22. Heal Your Pain

Full Moon Meditation 2021-Soak in the powerful healing light of the benevolent Mother Goddess Moon to align and heal your emotions. She also helps you to heal situations that may be bothering you in life, this is the time to let them go. Release yourself from the negativities. We recommend you keep yourselves hydrated before and after the session. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

30. Release the Dense Energies

Lunar Eclipse + Black Moon 2021 - Know your power as a light worker! Cleanse yourself from the physical, mental, and emotional discomfort that is accumulated, with the celestial water. Allow catharsis to know the source of your suffering and eliminate all the darkness in your energy field. Remind yourself that you are a beam of light and this will also help the darkness of the collective! We recommend you increase your water intake. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

32. Master Buddha Works with Your Rigid Patterns

Buddha Purnima- Master Buddha energizes you with healing frequencies opening your heart center. Free yourself from the cages of your ego-driven life, and rigidity while the Master helps to transmute all that does not serve you in moving forward in your life of abundance and joy. Release your dark aspects to make space for more love and celestial light filling up your life, situations, and aspects! Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits. We recommend you increase your water intake.

35. Bring in your Soul Fragments

Guru Purnima 2021- You are the carrier of the codes of ascension for Gaia. Receive the ever-abundant and graceful master's energies and bring back the fragments of your soul. Travel to the Sirius system to allow the Syrian energies to give you the insight to understand your path forward and dissolve the blockages along the way. Integrate the beautiful energies in the divine presence of Mahavatar Babaji. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits. We recommend you increase your water intake.

42. Heal Lower Frequency Thoughts

Navratri 2022 - Vaishno Devi-Goddess Vaishno Devi is here to guide you on your path, and to help you overcome lower-frequency thoughts. She with her divine presence helps reconstruct any thoughts of negativity. A golden beam of hope is instilled in your energy field to help stir the dormant positive aspects of your life. This will open up opportunities and perspectives for you. We recommend you keep yourselves hydrated while doing these sessions. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

47. Cleanse Your Physical Body

Navratri 2022 - Goddess Mahishmardini-Travel to the Shaktipeeth, the home of Mother Goddess Mahishmardini, who is an avatar of Goddess Durga. Soak in the divinity of the elemental kingdom, in the divine sacred spring waters as the mother goddess works towards healing your physical, and bodily problems. The divine vibrating frequencies of this spring water also heal your mental and emotional health. We recommend you keep yourselves hydrated while doing these sessions. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

48. Heal Your Knees

Navratri 2022 - Devi Guhyeshwari Shakti-Mother Goddess Guhyeshwari Shakti is here for the transmission of power and to strengthen your connection to the bridge between dimensions. She will be working on your knees, which carry your weight and determine the pivotal turning points in your life. They serve as the energetic bridge between your spiritual and physical life. This activation will bring about a balance between the energy above, the cosmic flow, and the energy below, the flow of the earth. We recommend you keep yourselves hydrated while doing these sessions. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

52. Heal Your Negative Emotions

Solar Eclipse 2022-Travel to the divine beach and be teleported to a high vibrational Andromedan pyramid portal, filled with healing energies. This healing immersion will clear out all the lower vibrating emotions from your energy field that may be blocking your path. Surround yourself with healing frequencies and surrender to the ascended masters. We recommend you keep yourselves hydrated while doing these sessions. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

53. Cord Cutting

11-11 Portal 2022-Travel to the ancient snow-clad temple on Mount Kailash. You are surrounded by a plethora of ascended masters. The Archangels are here to clear your energy field. This process is done to cut off all the energy cords that don't serve you anymore across lifetimes. Heal in the presence of masters and clear off all the energies that may be holding you back or causing delays in manifestations. Allow yourself to absorb and receive the energies of the masters around you, it's time to surrender and heal! Master Gurunanak is also here to work on your Stellar Gateway Chakra, the transmission center that connects you to the Great Central Sun. Soak in this divine healing light! We recommend you increase your water intake before and after this meditation. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

54. Come into zero point

Ascension Portal Series - Day 1 - Full Moon 2022-Soak in the divine energies of the elemental kingdom in the forest and stay in the state of Universal flow and alignment. This is your time to surrender as you follow the path laid down by your Guides. You are surrounded by Ascended Masters, Divine Beings, and the Family of Light. This state and the Spirit is your most authentic state of being — this is where you become zero point energy, merging with the infinite source power. We recommend you keep yourselves hydrated while doing these sessions. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

60. Healing Anger

Green Tara & Master Avalokiteshvara-Different aspects of Tara are here to fulfill your wishes, Red Tara helps to attract good things in your life, Yellow Tara is the Goddess of wealth and prosperity, and Blue Tara helps release the energy of anger. Clearing energies dispel all kinds of obstacles towards abundance, money, relationships, and knowledge across space and time. Soak in the divinity. Keep yourselves very well hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits. Music Credits: Ani Choying Drolma

62. Healing Anger, Shame and Guilt

Goddess Hecate-Meghna channels Goddess Hecate, she is also known as the Goddess of Magic. The path of your psychic ability is illuminated by Goddess Hecate and she heals the darkness within. She’s a wisdom keeper, seer, and healer and helps you open up the hidden powers, heal the emotional wounds, balancing the masculine and feminine energies. Lord Merlin, known as the Lord of Magic works with Mother Goddess Hecate to heal and release the feelings of sadness, fear, anger, betrayal, injustice, intolerance, the trauma of persecution, and deep wounds accumulated through eons of lifetimes. This will release feelings of shame, anger, guilt, and difficulty in speaking the truth. Keep yourself very well hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 44 days to gain its complete benefits.

64. Heal Your Traumas with Mahavatar Babaji

Heal & Transcend into Abundance with Mahavatar Babaji-Be healed of your emotional patterns and pains in the divine and serene presence of Mahavatar Babaji. He transmutes all your physical, emotional, and spiritual traumas. He uproots all the dense energies from your body to fill you up with love and healing light. Surrender and allow yourself to heal and integrate these powerful energies in the benevolent presence of Babaji. Please keep yourself hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits. Music Credits - Ramu Kumara Geethangal courtesy Saran Mariaras

66. Activate Self Love

Self Love 222 Portal Ascension-Self-love is the key to growth and abundance in your life. This meditation helps you to heal your old negative patterns and shadow-self. The 222 ascension portal is a pivotal space that will be preparing you for the Galactic and higher dimensional growth. When you value and accept yourself in wholeness, you push the Universe to give you everything. Open up and connect to Cosmic Energies to help move your life forward. A new clarity of energy arises. Clarity of mind paves the way for clarity of action. Experience activation and healing on a deep Physical, DNA, and Cellular level in the presence of Ascended and Galactic Masters. Please keep yourselves hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

71. Letting Go Off Control

Hanuman Jayanti 2023- Lord Hanuman transmutes all that is not serving you with his gentle and powerful energies. His ethereal energies will enable devotion towards your soul path, harmony, inner strength, and loyalty towards yourself! Let go of control and surrender, and allow things to unfold according to the divine timing in your life. Allow Lord Hanuman, your guides, ascended masters to step in here and fulfill your desires in your life. Enhance your divine vessel. Please keep yourself hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 28 days to gain its complete benefits. Music courtesy: Times Music Spiritual

73. Celebrate Your Uniqueness

Navratri 2023 - Sacred Shakti - Goddess Tulja Bhavani-Explore The container of your heart and bring to fruition what you desire by taking appropriate timely actions. Experience a powerful grounding exercise, aligning your seven chakras, as you prepare to receive the very powerful divine energies of Goddess Tulja Bhavani. You are surrounded by beautiful unicorns and the elemental kingdom. The Spirit of the Flower is here to inspire you to celebrate your uniqueness. The Spirit of the Mist encourages you to embrace the ‘free-flowing’ attitude as you live through your life experiences. Codes of leadership, actions, courage, clarity, and power are being transmitted to your energy field by the Mother Goddess. Keep yourself hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits. Music Courtesy: Ananda & Davor Vdovic

77. Breaking Inner Resistance

Navratri 2023 - Sacred Shakti-Goddess Kali-Goddess Kali transmits codes of transformation and changes to your being. Many times, we are unable to change ourselves or certain situations due to resistance. Resistance calls for action. Resistance results in a dichotomy of energies when we let the lower consciousness energies take over our lives. Goddess Kali helps you break this pattern release all the resistance and grow into your divine power. Please keep yourself hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 42 days to gain its complete benefits.

78. Self Worth

Navratri 2023- Sacred Shakti - Bhairavi Devi- Goddess Bhairavi Devi is the Divine Shakti, the Goddess of death of Ego. Work with her To stand in your Self-Worth and self-love. Fierce, Loving, and Benevolent, Goddess Bhairavi Devi transmits the codes of eradication - indicating the end of the energies that are not serving you. All the lower vibrating thoughts, emotions, and feelings are transmuted completely, and your ego or ‘self-image’ is shattered by the Goddess. The thoughts of duality, separation, discrimination, and differences are dissolved! Removing the energies that separate you from the divine. The Mother Goddess demolishes your ‘ego’ and makes space for your higher, divine self to fill your life with abundance and growth!
Please keep yourself hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits. Music Courtesy - Meghna@Divine Tara

84. Removing Stagnant Energies

Egypt 2023- Temple of Hathor, Dendera - Anchor light with Goddess Hathor as she works to bring your soul gifts from across dimensions and lifetimes. Allow the light to work with you and remove any distortions that may be present in your energy field. Raise yourself to the vibrations of the new earth and allow the Divine Feminine to bring out your courage as the Spiritual warrior that you are. Please keep yourself hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

85. Developing Clear Communication

Egypt 2023 - Temple of Horus, Edfu-Work with the powerful Blue Avians and Master Horus. He is here to work with opening your channels of communication. Falcon Energy is working with you, to download the codes of communication and unification. He also works to clear any energy distortions and misaligned energies from your energy field. Surrender to Master Horus and allow the codes of unification to take place. Please keep yourself hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

100. Balancing Your Energies

Goddess Ma’at- Goddess Ma'at, the Goddess of Balance, Truth, and Justice is taking you to her temple, to balance your energies. Your Guides take you through the Clock of Alchemy to release all the unwanted energies that may be still stuck due to past experiences. Allow yourself to merge in Goddess Ma'at's energy field. She will transmute the darkness from your shadow self and illuminate your energy field with divine healing light. Anytime you feel unbalanced, you can call out to her and she will be there! Keep yourself hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

101. Inner Child Healing

Inner Child Healing - Mother Goddess White Buffalo Calf Woman is here to transmute your traumas and pain that you may be carrying from Childhood. Any abuse, bullying, pain, mistreatment, or injustice is being transmuted from your energy field by her. The Spirit of the Mount Shasta mountain and other ethereal beings lend their supportive energies to heal you. Keep yourself hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

103. Restore Energies of Balance

Summer Solstice 2023-You are taken to the Heart Chakra of Gaia where, Mother Quan Yin, Mother Mary, Mother Goddess Moon, Sun God Ra, and Archangel Michael are present to restore the energies of Balance in your physical and emotional body. The Spirit of Balance is also there to transfer all the combined powerful energies of the Masters into your being. You integrate these powerful energies by going to the stream of hot springs. Allow change, transition, and transformation to enable forward movement in your life. Drop everything that isn't aligned with your heart. Please keep yourself hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

104. Energies of Reset

777 Energy Portal-Meghna channels the powerful energies coming in from the Sirius portal, which are of Reset. Get ready to step into transformation and change. Leave the old behind to make way for the new. We are undergoing changes in our lives, not only human lives but also spiritual lives. And the entire energetic makeup for us is changing. It is extremely important at this time to make sure that we look after ourselves very well. We are very focused on ourselves and do not get dragged on by the external circumstances of the 3D. Keep yourselves very well hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

108. Energies of Ascension

Divine Goddess- You are taken to a powerful temple in Peru, to a pyramid where all mother goddesses and their divine counterparts are present. These divine beings help you release the debris and culminate their energies into your energy field. Mother Goddess Parvati, Master Shiva, Master Lady Nada, and Master Sananda, work on your being to integrate their powerful energies. The powerful Dolphin is a guide assigned to you in this lovely process of ascension. Please keep yourselves very well hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

109. Soul Evolution

1st Tara Shaktipath-Shravan 2023-Meghna channels the powerful divine family of Master Shiva, Mother Goddess Parvati, Lord Ganesha, and Master Kartikey along with the Sacred Bull ~ Nandi, and the Elemental Kingdom in this Shravan Sadhana. Master Shiva disintegrates any external and distorted energies influencing your energy field. Mother Goddess Parvati supports this powerful process and her warmth is heartwarming! This is your step towards your soul evolution! Keep yourselves hydrated and eat clean whenever you are repeating this powerful transmission. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

119. Ancient Sanskrit Mantras – Removal of Obstacles

Ganesha Mantra-This is a powerful chant by Meghna, that invokes the energies of Lord Ganesha, the epitome of Divine wisdom, Removal of Obstacles, intellect, and new beginnings. Benefits of chanting this mantra ~Removes the energy distortions in our energy field which create stress, uncertainty, and unbalance. ~The powerful energies of this manta get infused with our energy field and it helps us to overcome our fears and create energies of peace and harmony. ~Chanting this mantra removes any blocks or obstacles in our lives. You can continue chanting this mantra for 33 days, 108 times each day. Please keep yourselves hydrated.

122. Release Your Emotional Baggage

Navratri 2023 - Goddess Yemaya - Step into the powerful energies of the Goddess Portal with Meghna as she channels the benevolent mother goddess Yemaya. This powerful session will cleanse and align your energies to clear your energy blocks to make space for healing light and abundance to flow in. This will also help in releasing the emotional baggage that you're carrying in your energy field from lifetime to lifetime. Allow yourself to feel and release emotions as you embark on this courageous journey with Divine Tara. Please keep yourselves hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days.

126. Transmute Dark Aspects From Your Path

Navratri 2023 - Mother Durga- Mother Durga is guiding us on our ascension journey and helping us to eradicate any obstacles coming on our path. 
This energy is highly protective and it also helps you to transmute your dark aspects. Please repeat this meditation 33 times. Please keep yourselves hydrated.

127. Transmute Negativity

Navratri 2023 -Black Tara- Black Tara is the destroyer of negativities. She works all your dark/shadow aspects which are deeply ingrained within you. These patterns are rigid and unprocessed. Allow the benevolent mother to work with your shadow aspects and transmute the negativity from your energy field. You may repeat this meditation 33 times. Please keep yourselves hydrated.

128. Activate Inner Peace

Navratri 2023 - Green Tara- The benevolent ethereal Mother Goddess Green Tara is here to activate and instill inner calmness, inner Peace, and Self Mastery. This gives you the power to eliminate any negative influences and gives you strength. You may repeat this meditation 33 times. Please keep yourselves hydrated.

137. Dislodge Unwanted Energies

Sacred Circle - Goddess Hecate, Goddess Parvati, Master Merlin- Meghna holds another powerful Sacred Sharing Circle for the members of Tara's Meditation Library. Experience the powerful healing energies of Mother Goddess Hecate, Isis, Parvati, and Master Merlin along with light beings. They have the remedies to all your problems and conduct energy work that dislodges all the energies that are not serving you to move forward. Surrender to the magic of the divine beings. Keep yourselves very well hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days.

140. Energies of Change

555 Energies of Change-You are taken to a sacred forest in the higher realm. This is a powerful meditation to initiate a wave of change within you, to help you step into the new earth. It’s time to leave behind, everything and anything which is not serving you. Any toxins, distorted energy cords, thought forms of other people, and any unwanted energies within your energy field will get transmuted to light. 
 This change will bring about an acceleration and opening of your multidimensional gifts such as telepathy and a heightened intuition among others. All the Ascended Masters, Galactic Beings, and Beings from the Angelic Realm are present there, your unicorn guides, the Elementals, Archangel Michael, Galactic Beings, Commander Ashtar, White Brotherhood of Light, Lord Ganesha, Archangel Mataniel and Gaia are all here to help you in this powerful process. 
Please do this meditation for 33 days to experience its complete benefits. Please keep yourselves hydrated.

148. Codes of Awakening

7 Sisters of Pleiades ~ Egypt 2024- You are taken to the 7 Gates of Pleiades, which are the 7 sisters, leading to the 7 Star Nations. The Pleiadians are playing a very important role in supporting the ascension process. This also holds the Divine Feminine sacred energies, which help transmute the distorted masculine energies. Codes of awakening, remembrance, and your purpose are being transferred to you via through a Blue Pleadian Being, and when your energy field is clearer of trauma and emotional debris, you will be able to access this wisdom. These codes, going into your pineal gland and your 14 subtle bodies balance your energy field, which leads to the opening of your heart. This will also liberate you from all the lower frequencies that are prevalent on Mother Earth at this time. This is a great time to release all your distorted behavioral/thought patterns to make way for the light. The powerful Ankh transfers the energies of empowerment, to step into the knowing of your sovereign power. The gentle healing light does not pander to the egoic needs of other human beings, the light is empathic and compassionate. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days and keep yourselves very well hydrated.

151. Release Your Traumas with Mother Nile ~ Egypt

Release Your Traumas with Mother Nile ~ Egypt 2024 - Mother Nile supports you to release any stored emotions in your energy body, that you may be carrying for thousands of years. Let it all out. Anger, grief, resentment, and hurt are all lower-frequency emotions that will get dislodged, fluid, and released from your body. These emotions weigh you down on your path and don't allow you to come into your sovereign power as a divine being of light. Mother Nile is enveloping you in her grace and benevolence as you release all the stuck denseness from your energy field. You can open your mouth and release any sound that may be coming through and repeat it as many times as you can. Please repeat this meditation for 66 days and keep yourselves very well hydrated.

161. Self-Mastery with Master Buddha

You are taken to the Temple of Enlightenment. You feel the presence of Master Buddha in the great Bodhi tree. You are engulfed in big beams of healing energies sent by the tree, this will heal your trigger points which will lead you to Self-Mastery. The root cause of your fears, panic, anger or sadness coming from any situation, person, events or place is healed by the gentle healing lights. The feelings of being overwhelmed, out of control, feeling lost, feeling abandoned or helpless from any person, events, situations or places. These powerful beams will cut off the energy flow between you and its source. A recurring unpleasant memory or a situation of the past that keeps coming up in your conscious mind. Your physical ailments, also are healed at this time. The urge to escape a situation, place or people, becoming defensive, and freezing - all of these aspects are also healed in another blast of golden healing light. The healing light goes deep into your cells. Master Buddha places magical crystals in your heart chakra. The electrical charge that attracts any low vibrational situation is also healed at this time. Allow these emotions, situations, past, pain to be release with love and grace! Your heart center is healing as you are bringing your power back and attaining self-mastery with the support of the Divine beings! Please keep yourselves very well hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 28 days.

171. Heal Your Limiting Belief Systems

You are taken to the powerful temple of Mother Goddess Isis. Goddess Isis works to heal and eradicate your limiting belief systems present within you like, "I am not good enough" or "I am not Loved" and many such belief systems that stunt your forward movement. These limiting belief systems are ingrained so deeply in your subconscious mind that they prevent you from stepping into your complete potential as a divine being. It's time to release all these beliefs about yourself and your world and step into your soul's purpose fearlessly. Please repeat this meditation for at least 44 days to receive healing and help the dislodgment of old energies for new healing light to integrate into your physical and etheric body. Keep yourselves very well hydrated.
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