Heal Your Heart

Last Update September 4, 2024
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14 Lessons

14. Surrendering to the Healing of Mother Goddesses

Navratri 2021 - Mother Goddesses- Illuminate yourself with the divine love of all the Mother Goddesses you met throughout the Navratri transmissions. The mothers here support you, cherish you, love you, and fill you up with an amalgamation of all their energies. Many Lyrians are also present to help in integrating this powerhouse of energy coming from the benevolent goddesses. It's time to surrender and receive all the healing energies in this very powerful transmission. We recommend you keep yourself hydrated while doing the sessions. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.
14. Surrendering to the Healing of Mother Goddesses00:00:00

36. Open Up Your Heart

8/8 Lion's Gate Portal-Your guides take you to the divine land of Egypt to open up new beginnings, new awareness, new thinking, and new levels of conscious awakening. The Lions of Sirius will heal and activate your heart center in turn opening the channels of courage, expression, and strength. Open yourself to infinite possibilities & resources to create and maintain a prosperous and abundant life. Please repeat this meditation for 35 days to gain its complete benefits. We recommend you increase your water intake.

40. Cleanse Your Heart Center – Goddess Amba Devi

Navratri 2022 - Amba Devi -Mother Goddess Amba Devi invites you to the sacred sanctum. Your senses are heightened with the powerful energies of the serene temple. The sacred energy travels through your spine to activate all your seven chakras. The sacred “yantra” may help you see this cleansing process. This will help you open your heart and empower you to make the correct decisions in your life. We recommend you keep yourselves hydrated while doing these sessions. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

57. Healing Grief

New Year Meditation 2023-Align yourself with the energies of the Full Moon. Soak in the powerful healing light of the benevolent Mother Goddess Moon to align and heal your emotions. She also helps you to heal situations that may be bothering you in life, this is the time to let them go. Release yourself from the negativities. We recommend you keep yourselves hydrated before and after the session. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

63. Energies Of Unconditional Love

Goddess Hathor-Goddess Hathor is here to unlock unconditional love and abundance within your heart. She teaches you how to work with your heart center and heal yourself. Goddess Saraswati is also here to help with the anchoring of the divine feminine codes within you, which will help you become whole. These energies will help our beloved Mother Gaia as well. Rise above your suffering and manifest your ability to heal. Always remember that you are a divine being of light. Please keep yourselves well-hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

72. Forgiveness

Navratri 2023-Sacred Shakti-Lady Master Nada Master Your Emotions So That I Can Be An Instrument of Peace in Service to Life. Awaken The Light Within And Change Yourself And Your World. You are taken to the serene and high-frequency temple of Lady Master Nada, she is the divine counterpart of Master Sananda. 
The White Brotherhood of Light is also present for you to experience a surge of love as you sit on the throne of Lady Master Nada and she transmits the codes of forgiveness, kindness, change, and love in your heart center. Master your emotions to awaken and offer peace, service, and love, by clearing your karmic debris under the guidance of Lady Master Nada. Please keep yourselves hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

74. Soften Your Heart

Navratri 2023 - Sacred Shakti- Goddess Quan Yin - Work with forgiveness under Quan Yin's guidance. Those who cannot forgive others because they do not think or act as they do or have been hurt by some have hardened their hearts which prisons the flame of love and prevents the flow of wisdom of Ascended Masters. Travel to the ‘Temple of Forgiveness’, where Goddess Quan Yin, the Goddess of ‘Karuna’ or compassion is here to help you heal by forgiving emotional pain in your energy field. Work with the Flames of mercy and forgiveness as you sit on the magnificent lotus flower. 
Open your heart and release all the wrongs, the hurt, and the burdens that you have been carrying for centuries that stall your growth and happiness. Forgive yourself and rise to love and light. Keep yourselves hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 28 days to gain its complete benefits. Music Courtesy: Deborah Van Dyke

90. Healing Anger

We have the energies of Lord Melchizedek and Mother Goddess Kali to heal the anger energies. Anger is an emotion that gets stored in the internal organs if accumulated and remains unprocessed. It may arise from your needs being unfulfilled, a feeling of being unheard, not cared about - it may be from your childhood, your past lives. An injustice if not resolved, gets carried forward to the next birth, and a buildup of anger is an indication of unresolved and un-transmuted energies that have piled up in your energy field. Allow the divinity to step in to heal and release your anger. Please keep yourself well-hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

102. Activate Your Higher Heart

Guru Purnima 2023-Connect With your Higher Heart and raise your consciousness. Embark on a powerful and transformational journey with Meghna as she channels the divine ascended masters and Ethereal Beings on the occasion of Guru Purnima. This transmission will connect you with your higher heart and raise your consciousness. This is your soul's calling! Heal through it all! Sit in silence for this meditation and keep yourself very well hydrated after it. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

117. Ancient Sanskrit Mantras – Open Your Heart

Shiva Mantra-This is a powerful ancient mantra that invokes the energies of Master Shiva, the epitome of Divine Masculine Energy. Chanting this mantra helps imbibe the qualities of Master Shiva and helps raise our consciousness. Benefits of chanting this mantra Detachment from the matrix ~Opening your heart, as Master Shiva is the Greatest Giver ~Bring in the energies of Courage and Balance ~Each chant is said to represent creation, manifestation, and destruction ~Brings in energies of justice ~Purity of heart - brings out the qualities of innocence ~Compassion and Self-control ~Helps you to open your third eye ~Energies of the balance of past, present, and future. You may chant this mantra 108 times for 33 days. Please keep yourself very well hydrated.

120. Ancient Sanskrit Mantras – Increase Your Empathy

Gauri Mantra-Devi Mahagauri represents purity, beauty, calmness, softness, and wisdom. She teaches one composure and peace. Benefits of chanting this mantra: ~Enhances your intuition, ~Brings you in touch with your empathic side ~Brings in connection with your divine feminine energies which are directly linked to this powerful mother goddess ~Brings in Stability of thoughts ~Consistent Behavioral Patterns ~Opening of your heart, coming from a space of love ~Openness, softness, and compassion. You can continue chanting this mantra for 33 days, 108 times each day. Please keep yourselves hydrated.

135. Activate Your Third Eye

Full Moon and Third Eye Activation-This is a powerful activation done by the Council of 12. Activate your third eye, download the codes of abundance, and clear your heart of painful emotions. Keep yourself hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days.

96. Seven Chakras Healing Short Meditation ~ Anahata or Heart Chakra

The Heart Chakra is the bridge that connects the physical and the spiritual. Anahata means 'unstuck' or 'unhurt'. The heart chakra is the center of joy, and compassion, and the place where love emanates from. When we don't let go of regrets, anger, and past hurts, this chakra gets clogged. When the heart chakra is closed after a period of grief, it takes patience and compassion towards oneself to heal and open it again. Heal your heart chakra with Meghna. It's time to forgive, let go, and expand your heart! These meditations can be repeated as many times as you feel the need. Please keep yourselves hydrated Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

167. Peru 2024 – Heal Your Heart – Release Your Karmic Patterns

Peru 2024 - Heal Your Heart - Release Your Karmic Patterns You are filled with divine light in the presence of the beings from Lyra, Andromeda, Pleiades Mother Goddess Isis, and Mother Goddess Urubamba. The divine mother goddesses send high-frequency lights to your heart center to help you drop denseness from your physical and energy-body. They ask you to drop anything that is not serving you on your divine path. You also ask to release any karmic connections coming from the past lifetimes. Drop any resistance that blocks the healing process. Resistance comes from emotional wounds. Receive these beautiful, powerful energies with grace and openness, they will help you open your heart and move forward. The divine beings place crystals within you to help you align to your divine path and flow with the universal energies. Please repeat this meditation for 33 for complete energy integration. Please keep yourselves very well hydrated.⁩
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