Heal Your Past Lives

Last Update July 4, 2024
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10 Lessons

58. Heal Your Timelines

Travel through your lives in the past, in multiverses, and in parallel realities to heal your timelines with the Divine light of Arcturian Healing Masters. It's time to surrender to the Divine force and come into wholeness. We recommend you keep yourselves hydrated before and after the session. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.
58. Heal Your Timelines00:52:38

81. Clearing Your Karmic Debts

Egypt 2023 - The Well of Manifestation - Master Thot is present with a scroll, which has information on your life purpose. This scroll will clear out the debris present in your energy field. Your karmic debts which are present in the form of fear in your energy field will be cleared. This will enhance your manifestation and your connection with the divine. Once these energies are integrated, your manifestations will increase multifold. Keep yourself hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

87. Healing Past Lives

Temple of Isis in Aswan Egypt 2023- Mother Isis is working with you to allow you to see beyond the obvious, into the unseen. Work with the codes of ‘Mother Goddess Isis and Ankh’ to activate the Divine Feminine codes present in your energy field. The Cat Goddess, Bastet, or Bast is also present to work on your energy field. Mother Goddess Maat, the Goddess of Balance is also present. She lightens the load of any karmic baggage coming from your past lives, present in your heart center. Anchor these powerful energies into the gridlines of the earth, to raise our beloved Gaia's consciousness. Please keep yourselves hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 21 days to gain its complete benefits.

105. Magic and Ressurection with Isis

Mother Goddess Isis takes you to the sacred land of Egypt to the powerful Sphinx. She is the Goddess of Resurrection and Magic. Master Anubis is also present along with your Star People. All these representations are to bring you closer to your truth, to remind you of your soul’s purpose. It’s time to drop all the 3rd-dimensional makeup. You are shown flashes of memories from your past. Resurrect your past and future. Keep yourselves hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

107. Bring Your Power Back

Karma Clearance - Meghna works with the Powerful Mother Goddesses and Ascended Masters to help you cleanse your Karma. You are taken to every dimension where you have consciously or subconsciously given away your power. This is the time to drop all the patterns you may be carrying since many births. Please keep yourselves very well hydrated. You can repeat these sessions for 33 days to enhance its benefits.

110. Heal Your Traumas

2nd Tara Shaktipath-Shravan 2023-You are taken to the Great Mount Kailash. Master Shiva and his Divine Counterpart, Mother Goddess Parvati are present. You are here to heal your emotional body and traumas from across lifetimes. All the feelings of sadness, pain, injustice, anger, being unheard and unseen, and worthlessness - are present in our subconscious mind. These emotions get triggered as Karmic situations and we tend to fall into the same rut. Our traumas hinder our growth and evolution of the soul. Release this now, with Meghna orchestrating and helping you transmute these traumas and emotions in the presence and warmth of the divine. Be a vessel of compassion and love that you are! Keep yourself very well hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits

111. Doing Inner Work

3rd Tara Shaktipath – Mother Kali-Meghna channels the powerful energies of Mother Goddess Kali in this session. The Mother Goddess takes you to her ethereal temple. Powerful divine beings are present there to initiate your alignment with the energies of the divine. She applauds your efforts and your courage to work so diligently with yourself. She transfers the codes of protection into your energy field. You start jumping timelines as you ascend through your inner work and healing. The five pillars: Mother Goddess Kali, Master Shiva, Mother Goddess Parvati, Master Ganesh, and Master Sheshnaag, are working with you. Please keep yourselves hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits

123. Bring Your Power Back

Navratri 2023 - Goddess Isis – You are taken to the Divine Crystal Temple in the sacred land of Egypt. Mother Isis works with your energy field and you are taken to different realities, past lives, and parallel universes to bring your power back from the various timelines, people, and situations to, which you may have given away your power. This is a very powerful time to regain your power and bring it back to you. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days. Please keep yourselves hydrated.

129. Clear Your Karmic Contracts

Navratri 2023- Quan Yin - This is a very powerful session where Mother Goddess Quan Yin along with the other ascended masters helps clear your karmic contracts with people, situations, and places from across lifetimes. Karmic contracts with anybody are incredibly significant. There is always a divine purpose behind it. Surrender your free will in this divinely guided session and break free from the shackles of karmic contracts. You may repeat this meditation 33 times. Please keep yourselves hydrated.

138. Codes of Crystalline Consciousness

Christ Consciousness 2023-The codes of crystalline consciousness are transmitted in your energy field by the Divine beings, Mother Goddess Isis, Parvati, Master Sananda, Master Melchizedek, the Spirit of the Sand, and our dear Gaia. A bridge is formed to take you from conditional love to unconditional love frequency. The golden beam unifies our inner masculine and inner feminine energies. The crystalline codes of sovereignty are also embedded in your energy field to step up completely into your power! Your energies and power are being brought back from lifetimes and situations back into your knees, as knees are your power points. Wisdom is brought into your heart center through your higher heart from your parent-nation. When the higher heart activates, the seeds of crystalline consciousness stir up and we start experiencing positive changes in our lives. Please keep yourselves very well hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days.
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