Kundalini Activation

Last Update September 4, 2024
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4 Lessons

37. Awaken Your Kundalini

Mahavatar Babaji Meditation at the Cave-Grace flows through the Mahavatar Babaji Cave. This portal is a gateway to receiving healing energies from many Star Nations. Mahavatar Babaji's divine, ethereal presence is healing through your pineal gland. The Lyrian Masters activate the Kundalini energies in you, just surrender and allow the higher beings to work with you. Heal in the divine powerful presence of Babaji. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits. We recommend you increase your water intake.
37. Awaken Your Kundalini00:00:00

80. Connecting to the Spirit of Egypt

Connecting to the Spirit of Egypt 2023- Meghna orchestrated a Magical Retreat to Egypt in April 2023 with participants from around the globe. This is a very powerful session connecting to the Divine Spirit of Kemet - Egypt. Goddess Isis, the Goddess filled with Magic and Healing along with Sekhmet, Mother Goddess Durga, and more divine beings is with you. Experience the warmth, support, and love of these beautiful ascended beings and invite them into your lives to experience and unravel the magic of Egypt in your lives. Your journey with Egypt takes a multifold and multi-dimensional shift here! Open the doors of your heart to healing and allow Mother Kundalini to do her magic. Please keep yourself hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 11 days to gain its complete benefits.

121. Ancient Sanskrit Mantras – Raise Your Consciousness

Ancient Sanskrit Mantras - Kundalini Mantra - Kundalini Mantra is a cosmic blend of the unification of masculine and feminine energies. It lights the Root Chakra and moves upwards. This powerful chant by Meghna heals and harmonizes any imbalances with its power and energy. Benefits of chanting this mantra: ~ Manifestation ~ You start working towards your purpose in life, your Divine Mission ~ Doors start opening up ~ Abundance starts coming in ~ Your intuition will suddenly improve. ~ Rising to a Higher Consciousness You can chant this mantra for 33 days, 108 times each day. Please keep yourselves hydrated.

130. Activate Your Kundalini

Navratri 2023 - Mother Kundalini-Mother Goddess Kundalini teleports you to her ancient temple. This is one of the most powerful temples that have ever existed for balancing and raising your Kundalini energy. She works on activating this divine power of Kundalini which sits at the base of your spine and brings about abundance in every sphere of your life and balancing the masculine and feminine polarities within your energy field. Surrender to the divine light of Mother Kundalini and awaken to this Powerful Divine Energy. You may repeat this meditation 33 times. Please keep yourselves hydrated.
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