
Last Update September 4, 2024
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162. Codes of Unification and Wisdom – Mahashivratri 2024

You are taken to the Pyramid of Giza, you walk through the high vibrational hallways under the Pyramid. The codes and wisdom of your path and purpose are being downloaded into your DNA and it leads to an awakening. 

 Identify your role in the Ascension of Mother Earth: Are you a portal opener? The Guardian of the Earth? Do you work with Star Gates? Do you assist the Ascended Masters in their temples? The codes of unification and consistency are also being transferred, your wounded masculine and feminine aspects and patterns are healed at this time. It’s important to surrender, heal, release, and receive.

 This is a very important and powerful process to experience an upgrade in your spiritual journey channeled by Meghna Tara. Please do this meditation for at least 21 days and keep yourselves very well hydrated.
162. Codes of Unification and Wisdom – Mahashivratri 202400:00:00
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