Summer Solstice 2023 ~ Activation & Meditation

Last Update September 4, 2024
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103. Summer Solstice 2023 – Restore Energies of Balance

Restore Energies of Balance Summer Solstice 2023-You are taken to the Heart Chakra of Gaia where, Mother Quan Yin, Mother Mary, Mother Goddess Moon, Sun God Ra, and Archangel Michael are present to restore the energies of Balance in your physical and emotional body. The Spirit of Balance is also there to transfer all the combined powerful energies of the Masters into your being. You integrate these powerful energies by going to the stream of hot springs. Allow change, transition, and transformation to enable forward movement in your life. Drop everything that isn't aligned with your heart. Please keep yourself hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.
103. Summer Solstice 2023 – Restore Energies of Balance00:51:24
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