Navratri ’21 – Align to the Divine Feminine Within

Last Update September 4, 2024
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9 Lessons

6. Day 1 -Heal Your Fears with Goddess Hathor

Heal Your Fears with Goddess Hathor Navratri 2021 - Goddess Hathor is here to help you align with the frequencies of divine love, grace, and abundance! It's time to surrender to be able to receive guidance from the higher realms. It's time to be looked after by the loving mother goddess. It's time to open your heart center to transmute the fears and receive the energies of alignment with your star brothers and sisters. We recommend you keep yourself hydrated while doing the sessions. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.
6. Day 1 -Heal Your Fears with Goddess Hathor00:59:53

7. Day 2 – Goddess Kali – Release Your Negative Patterns

Release Your Negative Patterns with Goddess Kali Navratri 2021- Goddess Kali-The benevolent Mother Goddess Kali is here to transmute your blockages and dark aspects. The clearance takes place not only within your physical but also in etheric and emotional bodies. This deep clearance will penetrate through lifetimes and prepare your vessel to receive healing light from the mother. We recommend you keep yourself hydrated while doing the sessions. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

8. Day 3 – Goddess Isis – Unlock Your Soul Gifts

Unlock Your Soul Gifts with Goddess Isis Navratri 2021 - Goddess Isis- Infuse yourself with ancient wisdom. Goddess Isis is working very closely with all you initiate of ancient Egypt. She teaches you how to open stargates and divine portals. Follow the guidance of Goddess Isis, across stargates. Know your divine past, and learn ancient knowledge from the times across. Carry the energy and knowledge codes forward into your human life and help uplift Gaia as a light worker. We recommend you keep yourself hydrated while doing the sessions. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

9. Day 4 – Goddess Atargatis – Unlock Your Multidimensional Gifts

Unlock your Multidimensional Gifts with Goddess Atargatis Navratri 2021 - Goddess Atargatis- Experience the initiation by the beautiful Goddess Atargatis, who comes to you in the form of a mermaid. She is here to integrate your higher dimensional aspects and be consciously reminded of your soul purpose. A plethora of information will be received by you and will be accessed by your conscious mind when the time is right. We recommend you keep yourself hydrated while doing the sessions. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

10. Day 5 – Goddess Durga – Heal Your Fears From Across Lifetimes

Heal your fears from across lifetimes with Goddess Durga Navratri 2021- Goddess Durga- Soak yourself in the loving energies of the benevolent Mother Goddess Durga. Transmute your fear energies from the heart centers across lifetimes with the help of the divine Mother Goddess Durga. Trust the mother and surrender. Anchor the healing energies from Goddess Durga into our dear Gaia. St Germain and other masters are also present to help transmute all your fears. We recommend you keep yourself hydrated while doing the sessions. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

11. Day 6 – Divine Lady Magadalene – Unlock Your Gifts from Ancient Lifetimes

Unlock Your Gifts from Ancient Lifetimes Navratri 2021 - Divine Lady Magdalene - Today, you're traveling to the serene city of Lemuria, the crystal kingdom is waiting to greet you! Divine Lady Magdalene is anchoring energies that will open up your memories from past lifetimes! Goddess Isis is also present to help you integrate the energies. You have had a very important lifetime in this divine city, get ready to access the information for your work as a warrior of light. We recommend you keep yourself hydrated while doing the sessions. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

12. Day 7 – Goddess Hermitath – Clear Self Doubt

Clear Self Doubt Navratri 2021 - Goddess Hermitath-Your guides take you to meet the guardian of the portals, Goddess Hermitage. Receive and integrate extremely important information. The Mother Goddess also teaches you how to filter out the lower frequencies that will help accelerate your soul purpose. She acquaints you to your essence! Doubt has no place here as you are moving towards your soul growth. We recommend you keep yourself hydrated while doing the sessions. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits."

13. Day 8 – Goddess Laxmi – Heal Your Inner Traumas

Heal Your Inner Traumas Navratri 2021- Goddess Laxmi-Soak in the divine presence of the ethereal loving Mother Goddess Laxmi, she is full of light and benevolence! The mother goddess activates the codes of abundance and initiates you into the golden frequencies. This will dissolve all your blockages and inner traumas to open a beautiful, seamless path for your soul ascension! We recommend you keep yourself hydrated while doing the sessions. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

14. Day 9 – All Goddesses – Surrendering to the Healing of Mother Goddesses

Surrendering to the Healing of Mother Goddesses Navratri 2021 - Mother Goddesses- Illuminate yourself with the divine love of all the Mother Goddesses you met throughout the Navratri transmissions. The mothers here support you, cherish you, love you, and fill you up with an amalgamation of all their energies. Many Lyrians are also present to help in integrating this powerhouse of energy coming from the benevolent goddesses. It's time to surrender and receive all the healing energies in this very powerful transmission. We recommend you keep yourself hydrated while doing the sessions. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.
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