Pineal Gland Activation

Last Update September 4, 2024
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5 Lessons

65. Pineal Gland Activation with Neeb Karori Baba

Attract Abundance with Neeb Karori Baba - Experience the illuminating healing energies of Neeb Karori Baba and Lord Hanuman as they transform you, by transmuting the energy of ""lack"" from your Signature cell. All the unhealed aspects and traumas within your energy field are wiped out and filled with abundance and joy. This powerful transmission will help you heal and attract a magical life full of abundance. Please keep yourselves hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.
65. Pineal Gland Activation with Neeb Karori Baba00:00:00

83. Pineal Gland Activation with Goddess Sekhmet

Egypt 2023 - Temple of Sekhmet- Mother Sekhmet is the Lioness Goddess with qualities of courage and the strong energies of Lyra. She is always surrounded by lions and lionesses. She gives out the quality of courage to humanity supporting all the star seeds who connect with her. She is illuminating the Master Cell at your Pineal Glad to rewire and bring in the codes of persistence, courage, self-confidence, self-worth, self-love, and high importance of self. She will transfer the codes from the Planet Lyra - and your Amarata chakra will be activated to enable you to lead a blissful, courageous, and warrior-like life. You're a beacon of light! Surrender to Mother Goddess Sekhmet to come into your Spiritual Warrior being that you are! You can repeat this meditation for 22 days in a row to accentuate your healing. Please keep yourself hydrated.

92. Connecting to the Divine Realms

Buddha Purnima 2023- You are taken to the 'Bodhi Tree' and feel the strong presence of Lord Buddha. You feel a sense of familiarity with him. He initiates you with crystalline water which goes deep into your pineal gland to improve your access to the divine realm. Your energy distortions are transmuted by this stream of divine water. The Bodhi Tree is transferring source codes in your crown chakra, through a beam of light. These codes help you to receive new information. Please keep yourself hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 21 days to gain its complete benefits.

141. Alchemical Awakening

Alchemical Awakening 2024 - The conscious mind merges with the energies of the subconscious mind. Everything in the subconscious mind comes to the surface and the conscious mind starts becoming aware of it, working in tandem with each other. This powerful process accelerates spiritual awakening in individuals. 
 Meghna guides you through a powerful breathing technique that will help you clear your traumas to make space for these powerful initiations. The Masters work with your pineal gland and higher heart center. Once you elevate your consciousness, you start merging with the consciousness of Gaia. You see an upgrade in your intuition, and empathy, Seeing the larger picture of the events folding in your life and the collective. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to merge with the energies. Please keep yourselves very well hydrated.

156. Light Language – Activate your Third Eye and Pineal Gland – King’s Chamber, Pyramid of Giza, Egypt 2024

Light Language – Activate your Third Eye and Pineal Gland – King’s Chamber, Pyramid of Giza, Egypt 2024- Meghna channels powerful light codes from the King's Chamber in the Pyramid of Giza, in Egypt. This is a Stargate to Star Nations, Higher Realms, and a passage for all the higher wisdom and guidance coming to our 3rd-dimensional realm. This powerful light language channeled by Meghna will activate your Third Eye to receive wisdom. This then gets passed on to Pineal Gland and to the master cell within, to bring about an activation and change. This propels us to align and awaken to our higher self. It also gives us access to ancient wisdom and multidimensional soul gifts. When our third eye chakra is activated, it is an indication of our alignment with the divine guidance and clarity for our soul's path. It helps us see the future and navigate beautifully on the path. Please repeat this for 33 days and keep yourselves very well hydrated.
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