Shravan 2024 – Guided Meditations by Meghna Tara

Last Update September 4, 2024
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2 Lessons

166. Shravan 2024-Activating Your Higher Heart

Shravan 2024 Activating Your Higher Heart In this powerful guided meditation, Meghna works with Master Shiva, the Lemurians, the plant kingdom, nature spirits, the crystal kingdom, Mother Goddesses, your guides, Divine Beings, and Ascended Masters to heal your self-worth issues breaking this thread of energy from deep subconscious programming. You are taken to the island of Lemuria and you meet your Soul family there. You are made to sit on a magical silver chair, where different energy rings upgrade your chakras. These magical rings also work with your fear, lack of self-love, lack of self-worth, energies of resentment, and anger. Your higher heart is activated by the Divine beings, which will pave a path for a stronger connection to your intuition. Your higher heart is connected to your third eye and your pineal gland. Your multidimensional soul gifts are downloaded. You are encouraged to surrender and allow the divine beings to work with you. Please keep yourselves hydrated. Repeat this meditation for 44 days for the energies to completely integrate.
166. Shravan 2024-Activating Your Higher Heart00:00:00

173. Shravan 2024- Forgiveness, Peace & Love

Shravan 2024- Forgiveness, Peace & Love
 Mother Goddess Parvati, Master Shiva, and Master Lady Venus work with your lower emotions at Mount Kailash. The bright flames of grace and mercy have the power to remove the hard and disconnected parts that lead to 'unforgiveness' present within us. Holding on to these negative feelings brings feelings of resentment, bitterness, and hostility. It’s time to let go of these dense energies to make space for divine abundance to fill you up. Please repeat this meditation for at least 33 days and keep yourselves very well hydrated.
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