Tara’s Meditation Library – Healing Meditations (7 Days Free Library Access)

Last Update September 6, 2024
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89 Lessons

Light Language Meditations

68. Energy Clearing00:6:09
69. Self Worth00:6:00
70. Lemurian Light Codes00:1:34
153. Light Language – Release Fear from your DNA – King’s Chamber, Pyramid of Giza, Egypt 202400:00:00
154. Light Language – Balance & Release any distortions from your Masculine Energies – King’s Chamber, Pyramid of Giza, Egypt 202400:00:00
155. Light Language – DNA Activation, Soul Expansion & Unlocking of Mulitdimensional Soul Gifts – King’s Chamber, Pyramid of Giza, Egypt 202400:00:00
156. Light Language – Activate your Third Eye and Pineal Gland – King’s Chamber, Pyramid of Giza, Egypt 202400:00:00

16. 11:11 – Heal & Manifest – Galactic Gateway

Clear your denseness of traumas as you are enveloped in the divine healing energies. The energies coming from the Inner Earth and the Pilar of light coming from the higher dimensions help release your blocks. The light accelerated your manifestations. You are a beacon of light! Surrender as you heal yourself and create a space of magic within you. Your magic will help Gaia through the path of Ascension. We recommend you increase your water intake before and after this meditation.

18. Transmute your Fears

Get illuminated with the healing divine light! The Arcturians, who are the master healers, take you across the starry galaxy to Arcturus. Feel the peaceful energies of the star nation. Transmute your dense energies in the sacred fire, orchestrated by the master healers. The Lunar Eclipse energies will help you face your fears with an immense bout of courage, you are supported by the Arcturians. Let these energies propel you to reclaim your sovereign power as the Gods and Goddesses you are! We recommend you increase your water intake before and after this meditation.

19. Winter Solstice ’21

Know your origins, know your soul's purpose, and decode them to awaken your memories. Experience the winter solstice meditation, imprint pure love frequencies, and reestablish your connection to the crystalline grid of the earth with ascended masters like Lord Maitreya. Prepare to receive a rare gift, as you are guided to cleanse your aura, and be a vessel to receive the serene energies of the new earth. Travel to the inner-earth city to awaken your memories and upgrade your heart chakra and DNA cells to the fifth-dimension energies to know your origins. We recommend you increase your water intake before and after this meditation.

20. Rise to Higher Consciousness

With merriment and peace, walk towards your path to ascension. Release and break the karmic and ancestral patterns to raise yourself to higher consciousness. This journey of soul evolution will help cleanse and raise every cell of your body toward resurrection and divinity. Of love, light, and the expanse of your heart through the higher dimensional beings. We recommend you increase your water intake before and after this meditation.

21. Remembering Your Ancient Past Lifetimes – New Moon

Center yourself into the crystalline nature of your being as your Star family helps you heal with the divine light. Master Thoth and his divine counterpart, Seshat take you through numerous lifetimes restoring your memory and connection to the sacred land of Egypt. Reminisce about your earlier lifetimes, as many of you have been pioneers in setting up the energy foundation of today's world. Please keep yourselves very well hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

28. Energies of Hope, Faith & Trust – 20-20 Portal

Energies of Hope, Faith & Trust - The 20-20 Portal serves as a reminder for us to know that, no matter what happens in our world, we are in a time of cooperation, compassion, duality, and harmony! Our planetary guardians, Master Shiva and Mother Goddess Parvati are here to help balance the divine masculine and the divine feminine energies. Allow these high vibrational frequencies from the great central sun and the sacred symbols to heal you, and energize you in the presence of a plethora of Ascended Masters like Lady Master Venus, Archangel Michael, Master Sananda, and many more. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits. We recommend you increase your water intake.

29. Mahashivratri ’22 – Coming into Inner Union

Coming into Inner Union-Mahashivratri-Be a part of the union of the Masculine and the Feminine energies, our planetary guardians, Master Shiva and Mother Goddess Parvati have called you to the Kedarnath temple. This energy spot is directly connected to Mount Kailash. Soak in the high vibrational platinum light to overcome the darkness and ignorance to move toward the ascension path. Rise above the human grid, rise above the emotions to become a limitless being of light! Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits. We recommend you increase your water intake.

30. Release the Dense Energies-Lunar Eclipse + Black Moon Meditation

Release the Dense Energies-Know your power as a light worker! Cleanse yourself from the physical, mental, and emotional discomfort that is accumulated, with the celestial water. Allow catharsis to know the source of your suffering and eliminate all the darkness in your energy field. Remind yourself that you are a beam of light and this will also help the darkness of the collective! We recommend you increase your water intake. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

31. Connect to the Spirit of Wealth – Akshaya Tritya ’22

Connect to the Spirit of Wealth-Akshaya Tritya-Connect to the Spirit of Wealth and experience the golden light of the Masters. Integrate the code of abundance, and heal yourself on your way to exuberance in every aspect of your life. Heal your DNA with these golden frequencies of light and ascension in the presence of Master Shiva, Lord Ganesha, Mother Goddess Laxmi, and Mother Goddess Parvati. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits. We recommend you increase your water intake.

32. Master Buddha Works with Your Rigid Patterns – Buddha Purnima ’22

Master Buddha Works with Your Rigid Patterns-Buddha Purnima- Master Buddha energizes you with healing frequencies opening your heart center. Free yourself from the cages of your ego-driven life, and rigidity while the Master helps to transmute all that does not serve you in moving forward in your life of abundance and joy. Release your dark aspects to make space for more love and celestial light filling up your life, situations, and aspects! Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits. We recommend you increase your water intake.

33. Find Your Purpose – Tune in with Gaia

Find Your Purpose-Experience the exuberance of Gaia, as your guides take you to a high vibrational temple. Balance your energies by receiving healing, abundance, and memory activation codes for you to reconnect with your purpose. Heal, Energize, and Integrate the golden frequencies in all your chakras with the help of the benevolent Mother Goddess. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits. We recommend you increase your water intake.

34. Summer Solstice ’22 – Bring in the Change

Bring in the Change-The Summer Solstice is all about high frequencies as a harbinger of change. It brings about a shift towards higher consciousness and remembrance of who you are. The high frequencies of Master Thoth and Golden Light of Atlantis bring about upgrades in your DNA, Third Eye, and Solar Plexus. Please keep yourself hydrated before and after practicing this meditation. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

35. Guru Purnima ’22 – Bring in your Soul Fragments

Bring in your Soul Fragments- You are the carrier of the codes of ascension for Gaia. Receive the ever-abundant and graceful master's energies and bring back the fragments of your soul. Travel to the Sirius system to allow the Syrian energies to give you the insight to understand your path forward and dissolve the blockages along the way. Integrate the beautiful energies in the divine presence of Mahavatar Babaji. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits. We recommend you increase your water intake.

36. 8/8 Lion’s Gate Portal – Open Up Your Heart

Open Up Your Heart-Your guides take you to the divine land of Egypt to open up new beginnings, new awareness, new thinking, and new levels of conscious awakening. The Lions of Sirius will heal and activate your heart center in turn opening the channels of courage, expression, and strength. Open yourself to infinite possibilities & resources to create and maintain a prosperous and abundant life. Please repeat this meditation for 35 days to gain its complete benefits. We recommend you increase your water intake.

52. Heal Your Negative Emotions-Solar Eclipse

Travel to the divine beach and be teleported to a high vibrational Andromedan pyramid portal, filled with healing energies. This healing immersion will clear out all the lower vibrating emotions from your energy field that may be blocking your path. Surround yourself with healing frequencies and surrender to the ascended masters. We recommend you keep yourselves hydrated while doing these sessions. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

53. 11-11 – Cord Cutting

Travel to the ancient snow-clad temple on Mount Kailash. You are surrounded by a plethora of ascended masters. The Archangels are here to clear your energy field. This process is done to cut off all the energy cords that don't serve you anymore across lifetimes. Heal in the presence of masters and clear off all the energies that may be holding you back or causing delays in manifestations. Allow yourself to absorb and receive the energies of the masters around you, it's time to surrender and heal! Master Gurunanak is also here to work on your Stellar Gateway Chakra, the transmission center that connects you to the Great Central Sun. Soak in this divine healing light! We recommend you increase your water intake before and after this meditation.

15. Womb Healing with the Moon Goddess

Heal Your Womb-The Ethereal Moon Goddess is here to soak you in her divine, loving presence. Her powers are healing, growth, overcoming darkness, and managing your emotions. Envelope yourself in her divine energies. She works with your womb to heal all the stored traumas and stuck energies. There is a plethora of abundance awaiting you! Just surrender and receive, the Moon Goddess heals you deeply. We recommend you increase your water intake before and after this meditation. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

57. Healing Grief- Full Moon ’23

Align yourself with the energies of the Full Moon. Soak in the powerful healing light of the benevolent Mother Goddess Moon to align and heal your emotions. She also helps you to heal situations that may be bothering you in life, this is the time to let them go. Release yourself from the negativities. We recommend you keep yourselves hydrated before and after the session. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

58. Healing Timelines

Travel through your lives in the past, in multiverses, and in parallel realities to heal your timelines with the Divine light of Arcturian Healing Masters. It's time to surrender to the Divine force and come into wholeness. We recommend you keep yourselves hydrated before and after the session. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

59. Manifest Your Intentions- New Year ’23

Ground yourself in the presence of ascended masters to release your traumas and manifest your intentions in every aspect of your human life. Align yourself to your divine soul purpose and live an abundant life. We recommend you keep yourselves hydrated before and after the session. These energies are timeless and they will work with you whenever you do this meditation. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

60. Healing Anger – Green Tara & Master Avalokiteshvara

Different aspects of Tara are here to fulfill your wishes, Red Tara helps to attract good things in your life, Yellow Tara is the Goddess of wealth and prosperity, and Blue Tara helps release the energy of anger. Clearing energies dispel all kinds of obstacles towards abundance, money, relationships, and knowledge across space and time. Soak in the divinity. Keep yourselves very well hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits. Music Credits: Ani Choying Drolma

61. Maha Shiv Ratri ’23 – Union of the Masculine & Feminine Energies

Union of the Masculine & Feminine Energies Within - Mahashivratri is a portal of the union of Masculine and Feminine energies present within us – the inner union of Shiva & Shakti. These high frequencies balance both these polarities and upgrade your DNA to the 12th-strand frequency. Keep yourselves hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits. Music credit- Chidananda-Deva Premal

62. Healing Anger, Shame and Guilt – Goddess Hecate

Meghna channels Goddess Hecate, she is also known as the Goddess of Magic. The path of your psychic ability is illuminated by Goddess Hecate and she heals the darkness within. She’s a wisdom keeper, seer, and healer and helps you open up the hidden powers, heal the emotional wounds, balancing the masculine and feminine energies. Lord Merlin, known as the Lord of Magic works with Mother Goddess Hecate to heal and release the feelings of sadness, fear, anger, betrayal, injustice, intolerance, the trauma of persecution, and deep wounds accumulated through eons of lifetimes. This will release feelings of shame, anger, guilt, and difficulty in speaking the truth. Keep yourself very well hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 44 days to gain its complete benefits.

63. Energies of Unconditional Love – Goddess Hathor

Goddess Hathor is here to unlock unconditional love and abundance within your heart. She teaches you how to work with your heart center and heal yourself. Goddess Saraswati is also here to help with the anchoring of the divine feminine codes within you, which will help you become whole. These energies will help our beloved Mother Gaia as well. Rise above your suffering and manifest your ability to heal. Always remember that you are a divine being of light. Please keep yourselves well-hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

66. Activate Self Love – 222 Portal

Self Love Ascension-Self-love is the key to growth and abundance in your life. This meditation helps you to heal your old negative patterns and shadow-self. The 222 ascension portal is a pivotal space that will be preparing you for the Galactic and higher dimensional growth. When you value and accept yourself in wholeness, you push the Universe to give you everything. Open up and connect to Cosmic Energies to help move your life forward. A new clarity of energy arises. Clarity of mind paves the way for clarity of action. Experience activation and healing on a deep Physical, DNA, and Cellular level in the presence of Ascended and Galactic Masters. Please keep yourselves hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

67. Your Role As A Divine Worker – Lady Master Venus

Travel to Shambhala as Lady Master Venus takes you on an enchanting journey to heal your aspects and energize you with love. She will invoke your memories of your divine lifetimes as a volunteer of light and love. The abundance of everything will also be activated to help you align yourself and find your divine purpose on our dear Gaia. Experience the loving exuberance of Mother Goddesses and Ascended Masters to ascend through your journey and fill your heart with high frequencies. Please keep yourselves hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

71. Hanuman Jayanti ’23 – Letting Go Off Control

Lord Hanuman transmutes all that is not serving you with his gentle and powerful energies. His ethereal energies will enable devotion towards your soul path, harmony, inner strength, and loyalty towards yourself! Let go of control and surrender, and allow things to unfold according to the divine timing in your life. Allow Lord Hanuman, your guides, ascended masters to step in here and fulfill your desires in your life. Enhance your divine vessel. Please keep yourself hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 28 days to gain its complete benefits. Music courtesy: Times Music Spiritual

80. Connecting to the Spirit of Egypt 2023

Connecting to the Spirit of Egypt- Meghna orchestrated a Magical Retreat to Egypt in April 2023 with participants from around the globe. This is a very powerful session connecting to the Divine Spirit of Kemet - Egypt. Goddess Isis, the Goddess filled with Magic and Healing along with Sekhmet, Mother Goddess Durga, and more divine beings is with you. Experience the warmth, support, and love of these beautiful ascended beings and invite them into your lives to experience and unravel the magic of Egypt in your lives. Your journey with Egypt takes a multifold and multi-dimensional shift here! Open the doors of your heart to healing and allow Mother Kundalini to do her magic. Please keep yourself hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 11 days to gain its complete benefits.

81. Clearing Your Karmic Debts – The Well of Manifestation in Egypt 2023

Egypt - The Well of Manifestation - Master Thot is present with a scroll, which has information on your life purpose. This scroll will clear out the debris present in your energy field. Your karmic debts which are present in the form of fear in your energy field will be cleared. This will enhance your manifestation and your connection with the divine. Once these energies are integrated, your manifestations will increase multifold. Keep yourself hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

82. Activate Your Warrior Spirit – The Sacred Bull Initiation -Serapeum of Saqqara Egypt 2023

Egypt - Serrapeum - Sacred Bull - You are surrounded by the energies of the Sacred Bull, engulfing your being. This light is activating your memory codes of the time when you had served the Sacred Bull in the magical land of Egypt. At that time, your Kundalini was active and you were a warrior, a protector of the earth. This transmission will activate your kundalini further and push out the energy blocks, as the time has come now for all you warriors and consciously start working towards our Mother, Gaia. Please keep yourself well-hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

83. Pineal Gland Activation with Goddess Sekhmet-Temple of Sekhmet in Karnak Egypt 2023

Egypt - Temple of Sekhmet - Mother Sekhmet is the Lioness Goddess with qualities of courage and with the strong energies of Lyra. She is always surrounded by lions and lionesses. She gives out the quality of courage to humanity supporting all the star seeds who connect with her. She is illuminating the Master Cell at your Pineal Glad to rewire and bring in the codes of persistence, courage, self-confidence, self-worth, self-love, and high importance of self. She will transfer the codes from the Planet Lyra - and your Amarata chakra will be activated to enable you to lead a blissful, courageous, and warrior-like life. You're a beacon of light! Surrender to Mother Goddess Sekhmet to come into your Spiritual Warrior being that you are! You can repeat this meditation for 22 days in a row to accentuate your healing. Please keep yourself hydrated.

84. Removing Stagnant Energies- Temple of Hathor in Egypt 2023

Egypt - Temple of Hathor - Anchor light with Goddess Hathor as she works to bring your soul gifts from across dimensions and lifetimes. Allow the light to work with you and remove any distortions that may be present in your energy field. Raise yourself to the vibrations of the new earth and allow the Divine Feminine to bring out your courage as the Spiritual warrior that you are. Please keep yourself hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

85. Developing Clear Communication- Temple of Horus in Edfu Egypt 2023

Egypt - Temple of Horus in Edfu-Work with the powerful Blue Avians and Master Horus. He is here to work with opening your channels of communication. Falcon Energy is working with you, to download the codes of communication and unification. He also works to clear any energy distortions and misaligned energies from your energy field. Surrender to Master Horus and allow the codes of unification to take place. Please keep yourself hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

86. Healing Limiting Belief Systems – Flower of Life – Temple of Abydos Egypt 2023

Flower of Life - Abydos - Mother Goddess Isis and Master Osiris represent Mother Earth and Father Sky. Experience oneness with Father Sky and Mother Earth. They illuminate your being with their light, expanding your heart center with the energies of the Flower of Life. This energy symbolizes the universal Law of One! All the multiverses, star nations, universes, planets, and parallel realities - all come under the umbrella of the Law of One! This light unifies strength and transmutes any lower vibrating frequencies. This is it - transcend your limiting belief systems and be in a perfect balance of your masculine and feminine energies! Please keep yourself hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 21 days to gain its complete benefits.

87. Healing Past Lives- Temple of Goddess Isis ~ Egypt 2023

Temple of Isis in Aswan- Mother Isis is working with you to allow you to see beyond the obvious, into the unseen. Work with the codes of ‘Mother Goddess Isis and Ankh’ to activate the Divine Feminine codes present in your energy field. The Cat Goddess, Bastet, or Bast is also present to work on your energy field. Mother Goddess Maat, the Goddess of Balance is also present. She lightens the load of any karmic baggage coming from your past lives, present in your heart center. Anchor these powerful energies into the gridlines of the earth, to raise our beloved Gaia's consciousness. Please keep yourselves hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 21 days to gain its complete benefits.

88. Song of the Nile ~ Attract Abundance ~ Egypt 2023

Song of the Nile ~ Attract Abundance ~ Egypt 2023- Experience the ultimate abundance as Meghna channels the powerful 'Song of the Nile' from Mother Nile herself. She has channeled this divine energy in the form of a song while working on the participants physically present and receiving energies in the river Nile. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

89. Upgraded Ascension Codes- Temple of Ascension in Luxor Egypt 2023

Temple of Ascension in Luxor ~ Egypt 2023- Master Serapis Bey is here amongst the ascended masters to integrate the upgraded codes of ascension in your energy field. Your being is illuminated with the powerful healing, colorful codes that envelope your physical and energy body that is transmitted by him, working on your energy centers. Master El Morya and Lady Master Nada are also present to support this powerful process. Keep yourself very well hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 21 days to gain its complete benefits.

90. Healing Anger

We have the energies of Lord Melchizedek and Mother Goddess Kali to heal the anger energies. Anger is an emotion that gets stored in the internal organs if accumulated and remains unprocessed. It may arise from your needs being unfulfilled, a feeling of being unheard, not cared about - it may be from your childhood, your past lives. An injustice if not resolved, gets carried forward to the next birth, and a buildup of anger is an indication of unresolved and un-transmuted energies that have piled up in your energy field. Allow the divinity to step in to heal and release your anger. Please keep yourself well-hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

91. Clearing Your DNA of Dense Energies- Narasimha Jayanti ’23

Meghna channels the powerful Lord Narasimha. You are made to sit on a magical chair, which activates the codes of healing and wisdom. Healing is a continuous process, and our star brothers and sisters endeavor to transmute our traumas from our very DNA. Lord Narasimha transmutes all your karmic blockages and stuck energies from your being, activating the Lyran codes of wisdom. This powerful healing session will encourage you to walk toward the ultimate truth - the law of one! Please keep yourself hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

92. Connecting to the Divine Realms – Buddha Purnima ’23

You are taken to the 'Bodhi Tree' and feel the strong presence of Lord Buddha. You feel a sense of familiarity with him. He initiates you with crystalline water which goes deep into your pineal gland to improve your access to the divine realm. Your energy distortions are transmuted by this stream of divine water. The Bodhi Tree is transferring source codes in your crown chakra, through a beam of light. These codes help you to receive new information. Please keep yourself hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 21 days to gain its complete benefits.

93. Seven Chakra Healing ~ Muladhara or Root Chakra

Embark on this powerful journey with Meghna as she helps clear and transmute all the dense energies from your 7 primary chakras. Muladhara or the Root Chakra, located at the base of our spine, is the very basis of our human existence. It connects us with Mother Earth. Cleanse this chakra with powerful light codes and allow healing light to fill your being. These meditations can be repeated as many times as you feel the need. Please keep yourselves hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

94. Seven Chakras Healing ~ Swadhisthana or Sacral Chakra

The sacral chakra is the ability to feel creative, and sexual and accept change. When this chakra is imbalanced, you may face an issue in your emotions, intimacy, sexuality, and creativity. Cleansing of this chakra helps in forward movement and cleansing of stuck emotions. Cleansing of chakras allows the free flow of divine energy in our physical vessels. These meditations can be repeated as many times as you feel the need. Please keep yourselves hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

95. Seven Chakras Healing ~ Manipura or Solar Plexus Chakra

The Solar Plexus Chakra holds the essence of our personality. Every time you judge yourself, you weaken this chakra. Acknowledgment of self-worth and self-love are the building blocks of this chakra. The primary color associated with chakra is yellow. These meditations can be repeated as many times as you feel the need. Please keep yourselves hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

96. Seven Chakras Healing ~ Anahata or Heart Chakra

The Heart Chakra is the bridge that connects the physical and the spiritual. Anahata literally means 'unstuck' or 'unhurt'. The heart chakra is the center of joy, compassion, and the place where love emanates from. When we don't let go of regrets, anger, and past hurts, this chakra gets clogged. When the heart chakra is closed after a period of grief, it takes patience and compassion towards oneself to heal and open it again. Heal your heart chakra with Meghna. It's time to forgive, let go and expand your heart! These meditations can be repeated as many times as you feel the need. Please keep yourselves hydrated Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

97. Seven Chakras Healing ~ Vishuddhi or Throat Chakra

The throat chakra is the first of the three spiritual chakras, it enables a higher form of communication and the ability to express our thoughts openly and fearlessly. If the throat chakra is opened and aligned, we can communicate and express our beliefs, ideas and emotions and speak our truth. If this chakra is out of balance, we experience fear and an inability to speak our truth and express our thoughts openly. Unclog your throat chakra with Meghna. These meditations can be repeated as many times as you feel the need. Please keep yourselves hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

98. Seven Chakras Healing ~ Ajna or Third-Eye Chakra

The Third-Eye Chakra is associated with insight, intellect, and intuition. This chakra helps us to think and see clearly both, physically and psychically. It gives us inner knowing. A clear balanced and developed third-eye chakra gives us strong intuitive abilities and visualization. If this chakra is out of balance, one may develop a lack of assertiveness, disorientation, fatigue, and sleep issues. Heal your Third-Eye Chakra with Meghna and establish a relationship with your spiritual abilities. These meditations can be repeated as many times as you feel the need. Please keep yourselves hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

99. Seven Chakras Healing ~ Sahasrara or Crown Chakra

The crown chakra is the seventh chakra and is represented by a thousand-petalled lotus. This chakra connects us to the divine, just as the root chakra connects us to the mother earth. This is a gateway that connects the physical and non-physical realms. A center for trust, devotion, happiness, positivity, and deeper connection with ourselves and our wisdom and intuitive knowledge. Imbalance in the Crown chakra leads to chronic exhaustion, muscular disease, and a feeling of being unloved and uncared for. Heal and cleanse your crown chakra with Meghna. Heal the darkness within and transmute it with the help of your guides. These meditations can be repeated as many times as you feel the need. Please keep yourselves hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

100. Goddess Ma’at – Balancing Your Energies

Goddess Ma’at- Goddess Ma'at, the Goddess of Balance, Truth, and Justice is taking you to her temple, to balance your energies. Your Guides take you through the Clock of Alchemy to release all the unwanted energies that may be still stuck due to past experiences. Allow yourself to merge in Goddess Ma'at's energy field. She will transmute the darkness from your shadow self and illuminate your energy field with divine healing light. Anytime you feel unbalanced, you can call out to her and she will be there! Keep yourself hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

101. Inner Child Healing- Goddess White Buffalo Calf Woman

Inner Child Healing - Mother Goddess White Buffalo Calf Woman is here to transmute your traumas and pain that you may be carrying from Childhood. Any abuse, bullying, pain, mistreatment, or injustice is being transmuted from your energy field by her. The Spirit of the Mount Shasta mountain and other ethereal beings lend their supportive energies to heal you. Keep yourself hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

102. Activate Your Higher Heart- Guru Purnima 2023

Guru Purnima 2023-Connect With your Higher Heart and raise your consciousness. Embark on a powerful and transformational journey with Meghna as she channels the divine ascended masters and Ethereal Beings on the occasion of Guru Purnima. This transmission will connect you with your higher heart and raise your consciousness. This is your soul's calling! Heal through it all! Sit in silence for this meditation and keep yourself very well hydrated after it. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

104. Energies of Reset- 777 Energy Portal

777 Energy Portal-Meghna channels the powerful energies coming in from the Sirius portal, which are of Reset. Get ready to step into transformation and change. Leave the old behind to make way for the new. We are undergoing changes in our lives, not only human lives but also spiritual lives. And the entire energetic makeup for us is changing. It is extremely important at this time to make sure that we look after ourselves very well. We are very focused on ourselves and do not get dragged on by the external circumstances of the 3D. Keep yourselves very well hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

163. Doorway to Abundance – 8.8 Portal

Lions gate portal or 8.8 portal is a doorway of abundance and brings in codes of abundance, and codes of reactivation to energise your 12 structure DNA template. When this happens you connect to your divinity, you find the middle path. You find yourself anchoring yourself firmly to the earth and at the same time following your guidance as to how to move on the spiritual path. The Activation of DNA brings in Soul gifts a strong connection with Your guides. This energy also brings in energies of divine feminine codes which balance the divine masculine and feminine and is orchestrated by Meghna. Please do this meditation for at least 33 days and keep yourselves very well hydrated.

105. Magic and Ressurection with Isis

Magic and Ressurection with Isis- Mother Goddess Isis takes you to the sacred land of Egypt to the powerful Sphinx. She is the Goddess of Resurrection and Magic. Master Anubis is also present along with your Star People. All these representations are to bring you closer to your truth, to remind you of your soul’s purpose. It’s time to drop all the 3rd-dimensional makeup. You are shown flashes of memories from your past. Resurrect your past and future. Keep yourselves hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

164. Sacred Circle with Meghna ~Relationships~ Karmic, Soul Connections, High-Level Soulmate, Twin Soul

Meghna orchestrated a Discussion and Healing Circle called the "Sacred Circle" where she channeled powerful wisdom from the Ascended Masters and Divine beings. Enlighten yourself with ancient and powerful wisdom about Karmic Relationships, Soul Connections, High-Level Soulmates, and Twin Soul with Meghna.

Karma Clearance Meditations

108. Energies of Ascension- Divine Goddesses

Divine Goddess- You are taken to a powerful temple in Peru, to a pyramid where all mother goddesses and their divine counterparts are present. These divine beings help you release the debris and culminate their energies into your energy field. Mother Goddess Parvati, Master Shiva, Master Lady Nada, and Master Sananda, work on your being to integrate their powerful energies. The powerful Dolphin is a guide assigned to you in this lovely process of ascension. Please keep yourselves very well hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

134. Move forward- Full Moon Meditation 2023

Full Moon Meditation 2023- Connect to the Galactic Federation to find out the next step of your soul's evolution. Energize your manifestation list and enhance your receptivity with the powerful full moon's energies channeled by Meghna. Please keep yourselves hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days.

135. Activate Your Third Eye – Full Moon 2023

Full Moon and Third Eye Activation-This is a powerful activation done by the Council of 12. Activate your third eye, download the codes of abundance, and clear your heart of painful emotions. Keep yourself hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days.

136. Heal Generational Patterns- 12:12 Portal

12:12 Portal-Meghna works with the Ascended Masters as we enter into the 12:12 portal.
Bringing in the codes of strength, persistence, and perseverance to give you the energy and forward movement to bring in the necessary changes. Work with Master El Morya to clear off the old generational patterns, to step into a very clear future, with new, benevolent supporting energies.
 When we let go and bring things to a close, we open up more space energetically for magic to happen. Please keep yourselves hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days.

137. Dislodge Unwanted Energies – Sacred Circle with Meghna

Sacred Circle - Goddess Hecate, Goddess Parvati, Master Merlin- Meghna holds another powerful Sacred Sharing Circle for the members of Tara's Meditation Library. Experience the powerful healing energies of Mother Goddess Hecate, Isis, Parvati, and Master Merlin along with light beings. They have the remedies to all your problems and conduct energy work that dislodges all the energies that are not serving you to move forward. Surrender to the magic of the divine beings. Keep yourselves very well hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days.

140. 555 Energies of Change

555 Energies of Change-You are taken to a sacred forest in the higher realm. This is a powerful meditation to initiate a wave of change within you, to help you step into the new earth. It’s time to leave behind, everything and anything which is not serving you. Any toxins, distorted energy cords, thought forms of other people, and any unwanted energies within your energy field will get transmuted to light. 
 This change will bring about an acceleration and opening of your multidimensional gifts such as telepathy and a heightened intuition among others. All the Ascended Masters, Galactic Beings, and Beings from the Angelic Realm are present there, your unicorn guides, the Elementals, Archangel Michael, Galactic Beings, Commander Ashtar, White Brotherhood of Light, Lord Ganesha, Archangel Mataniel and Gaia are all here to help you in this powerful process. 
Please do this meditation for 33 days to experience its complete benefits. Please keep yourselves hydrated.

141. Alchemical Awakening

Alchemical Awakening 2024 - The conscious mind merges with the energies of the subconscious mind. Everything in the subconscious mind comes to the surface and the conscious mind starts becoming aware of it, working in tandem with each other. This powerful process accelerates spiritual awakening in individuals. 
 Meghna guides you through a powerful breathing technique that will help you clear your traumas to make space for these powerful initiations. The Masters work with your pineal gland and higher heart center. Once you elevate your consciousness, you start merging with the consciousness of Gaia. You see an upgrade in your intuition, and empathy, Seeing the larger picture of the events folding in your life and the collective. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days to merge with the energies. Please keep yourselves very well hydrated.

142. Heal Your Throat Chakra- Sacred Circle with Meghna

Sacred Circle - Meghna helps you with techniques to assist in balancing the left and the right hemispheres of the brain. It will help you unblock your energies of giving and receiving. A powerful breathing technique to help you heal your throat chakra, the traumas that you may have been carrying from across lifetimes is done. Choose yourself and move forward - you are the way showers, it's time to prioritize yourself to help bring everyone forward in the light. Please practice these powerful techniques every day to help clear your traumas and bring about balance in your energy field. Please keep yourselves very well hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days.

143. Magical WIsh Fulfillment- Snow Full Moon

Snow Full Moon 2024 by Meghna- We are working with the energies of change. In this meditation with the Mother Goddesses and Masters' help, we rearrange our lives energetically according to everything that we wish to bring into our lives as per our wants, desires, manifestation, and wish fulfillment. Enhance your receptivity and clear your traumas with the help of the Divine Beings of Light. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days and keep yourselves very well hydrated.

144. Heal Your Inner Masculine Energy – Solar Plexus Chakra

Sacred Circle with Meghna - The Solar Plexus Chakra is our inner sun, which makes us shine in the world. It is our inner masculine energy. 
Over time, due to inner child wounds, situations, and belief systems, our inner masculine energy starts becoming distorted, causing the Solar Plexus Chakra to become imbalanced. These patterns also result in our inner feminine energy getting suppressed too, causing a disconnect with our intuition, and inner voice.
Inner work means our inner masculine and inner feminine energies come into balance. The Masters also support you to reconnect with your Inner Child and start the process of releasing your stored childhood traumas and unmet emotional needs. This powerful process will help you untangle your emotions and reinstate a relationship with your inner child. 
 In this powerful session, Meghna teaches some tools to help heal the inner masculine energies by healing the Solar Plexus or the Manipura Chakra - bringing our nervous system into a Para-Sympathetic which is Rest-Digest mode from a Sympathetic Fight-Flight-Freeze state.
 You may incorporate these techniques into your routine to ensure maximum healing and benefits. Please keep yourselves very well hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days.

145. Heal Your Belief Systems

Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse Meditation by Meghna Tara- It's time to acknowledge, embrace, and drop our learned beliefs that are hindering our forward movement. You are taken to Mount Kailash, there is a path, and this path leads to a Sacred Garden in the foothills of the mountain. You are taken to a luminescent Rainbow bridge by your Spirit Guides, you are met by so many ethereal fairies and light beings. While walking on the bridge, you are stopped and you see various placards mushrooming from the ground. These are messages from the Divine as to what is hindering your growth. These placards read, 'Fear of the unknown', 'fear of change', 'I know better', 'I know everything', 'fear of success', 'taking responsibility for your own life', 'lack of trust', 'fear of being attacked', 'fear of accepting love', 'low self-esteem', 'lack of belief that you are the divine being', and many more. It's time to understand what's blocking you from moving forward on the Rainbow Bridge toward self-realization and ascension. Heal and drop these. Your heart knows the truth, it's the essence of your core self. Please practice this meditation for 33 days. Kindly keep yourselves very well-hydrated.

146. Sacred Wisdom from Egypt

Connecting to the Spirit of Egypt - Egypt 2024- Meghna orchestrates a powerful meditation anchoring your energies from the Sacred Land of Egypt to the crystalline core of Mother Earth which has a scroll. Through this scroll, you will be activating high-frequency codes from this sacred land of Egypt that match your energetic code. You have a divine connection with this Sacred Land and this information will get activated in your conscious mind. You carry sacred wisdom within you which is waiting to spread amongst the masses. You are the High Priest and Priestess of the Ancient Land of Atlantis. The Arcturians, Your Star Mother, and the Spirit of Egypt are present. It's time to merge your energies with these high-frequency energies. This helps to activate the Kundalini energy, which is the energy of awakening and leading a life of balance between the material world and the spiritual world. This powerful frequency activates the energy channels. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days and keep yourselves very well hydrated.

147. Step Into Your Power

Egypt 2024- Temple of Horus in Edfu - You are taken to the Blue Avian temple, the temple of Falcon-God Horus. Master Horus and Mother Goddess Hathor, the Divine Counterparts are present, they transfer the merged energies of union into your being. A plethora of colors, plasma lights, and rays are flowing through your being to activate various chakras and aspects of your being. You may see diamond-like sparkles on the white ray, which represents the innocence of the soul, which needs to be activated within. A feeling of child-like lightness and joy. If you see a red-diamond-like beam helps you step into your power. When you are in your power, no judgments or nudges from the world shake you. The powerful beam of light coming from the hands of the divine counterparts activates all the rays within your being. A powerful platinum light brings together the magical light from all the universes and fills your heart center to integrate these powerful energies. Allow yourself to receive these powerful high-frequency healing lights. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days and keep yourselves very well hydrated.

148. Codes of Awakening

7 Sisters of Pleiades ~ Egypt 2024- You are taken to the 7 Gates of Pleiades, which are the 7 sisters, leading to the 7 Star Nations. The Pleiadians are playing a very important role in supporting the ascension process. This also holds the Divine Feminine sacred energies, which help transmute the distorted masculine energies. Codes of awakening, remembrance, and your purpose are being transferred to you via through a Blue Pleadian Being, and when your energy field is clearer of trauma and emotional debris, you will be able to access this wisdom. These codes, going into your pineal gland and your 14 subtle bodies balance your energy field, which leads to the opening of your heart. This will also liberate you from all the lower frequencies that are prevalent on Mother Earth at this time. This is a great time to release all your distorted behavioral/thought patterns to make way for the light. The powerful Ankh transfers the energies of empowerment, to step into the knowing of your sovereign power. The gentle healing light does not pander to the egoic needs of other human beings, the light is empathic and compassionate. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days and keep yourselves very well hydrated.

149. Codes of Courage

Step into your power with Mother Goddess Sekhmet- Egypt 2024 -Mother Goddess Sekhmet works with you to transfer the codes of courage, and divine femininity and to open your heart center. Receive the energies of softness, which has the power to remove the shackles of protection around your heart. She wishes to tell you that you are a powerful being and that there is no need for protection from the outside world. You can overcome the shadow aspects and rise above the 3D matrix. There is nothing to be fearful of. Fear is a low vibrational frequency and it deviates us from our divine truth. She encourages you to live your life and be vulnerable. Vulnerability hones divine possibilities and enables you to give your light to the world. You will attract shadows from the collective to be transmuted to the light and you are enough as you are! Light doesn't prove, it shines and dispels darkness from the collective. She propels you to connect to your heart center and to the Sun God Ra to clear up the stored hurt, resentment, grief, and pain as they are no longer serving you, they are only a part of your lessons in this healing journey of. Her love, care, and protection are always with you. You are a strong being of light, and it's time to come into your sovereign power and the fearless form of your divine essence. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days and keep yourselves very well hydrated.

150. Bring Back Your Power – Kings Chamber, Egypt

Powerful Healing Frequencies from the King’s Chamber of the Pyramid of Giza - Egypt 2024- Meghna channels powerful healing frequencies from the King's Chamber in the Pyramid of Giza in Egypt. These ethereal healing lights have the codes of remembrance, ancient wisdom, and connecting with your Star Family. Powerful beams are coming through the apex of the Pyramid. Master Shiva and Master Thot are also present, and these activations will push out any unprocessed emotions, traumas, and energetic debris present in your emotional, physical, or energy body. This is a great time to release anything that is not serving this Divine vessel. An Arcturian Being is clearing out stuck emotions from the back of the heart center that is delaying you from awakening to your divinity. The beings are also working with your knees to bring back your power from past situations, people, and places from eons of time. A Lyran Being is also here with a Lion to deposit the five beams of light into your heart center that form a circular pattern. Master Shiva pulls out all the stored fear energy from your being. Fear is the base of the lack of courage, empowerment, growth, and expansion. These powerful beings and Masters help you to drop the feeling of disempowerment here, and step into your power by creating more space for the light to step in. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days and keep yourselves very well hydrated.

151. Release Your Traumas with Mother Nile ~ Egypt

Release Your Traumas with Mother Nile ~ Egypt 2024 - Mother Nile supports you to release any stored emotions in your energy body, that you may be carrying for thousands of years. Let it all out. Anger, grief, resentment, and hurt are all lower-frequency emotions that will get dislodged, fluid, and released from your body. These emotions weigh you down on your path and don't allow you to come into your sovereign power as a divine being of light. Mother Nile is enveloping you in her grace and benevolence as you release all the stuck denseness from your energy field. You can open your mouth and release any sound that may be coming through and repeat it as many times as you can. Please repeat this meditation for 66 days and keep yourselves very well hydrated.

152. Merging of Your Conscious & Subconscious Mind

Egypt 2024-Re-learn Ancient Wisdom with Mother Goddess Isis - There are powerful healing lights, that have the ancient wisdom to start healing your 14 subtle bodies that hold traumas, pain, and rage that is held within. Mother Goddess Isis is here, and she is transferring the codes of ancient wisdom and memories. These are the codes to decode the structure of your energy field about the mystery schools of ancient times. These codes burst open your physical body, to make their way into your energy system to bring in decoding to understand your power, these codes then travel to your logical mind to be brought into a conscious action. You are filled with these codes of sacred ancient wisdom. Mother Goddess Hathor is also present and she activates the hidden soul gifts of music, beauty, and dance. She also helps release emotional pain stored within your energy field for eons of time. You also receive visualization codes as the Mother Goddesses activate your Third Eye Chakra. And she places a feather at the base of your spine to assist Mother Kundalini to awaken. You may see an eye in your Third Eye as it is completely activated. The fire energy also fills up your leg region eliminating any blocks that prevent you from moving forward. The codes of integration are now sent to your DNA by the mother goddesses. The ascended masters, mother goddesses, and the divine know your soul path very well, they encourage you to listen to their messages through various mediums. Once you start listening to the messages, there is a clear direction shown to you, you only have to keep tuning into the divine guidance. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days and keep yourselves very well hydrated.

157. Balancing of Masculine & Feminine Energies – Shiva-Shakti

Balancing of Masculine & Feminine Energies – Shiva-Shakti- Meghna guides you into a powerful meditation that balances your masculine and feminine aspects. Master Shiva and Mother Goddess Parvati are here to balance your energies and your entire Chakra system. A big ball of light is placed by the Masters in your heart center, which continuously works to bring your energy body into divine alignment. These high frequencies merge in the Pineal Gland bringing in an automatic activation. Any imbalance in our energy body translates to an imbalance in our physical world. When we consciously work with ourselves, we bring about an acceleration in Divine guidance and support. Please do this meditation for at least 33 days. It's important to be very well-hydrated.

158. Trauma Healing with Mahavatar Babaji

Mahavatar Babaji is here, he is our divine father, and his warmth is unparalleled. A big beam of light comes from his heart center, this is the ray that is going to propel you onto the divine path, surrendering, and feeling invincible. He is also activating your third eye, which is going to enable you to see in the future. We all have this gift, we only need to unravel it. There is a beautiful symbol of union in the center of your heart, your entire chest is emanating this light. Babaji also activates your crown chakra, allowing you to download wisdom and connect strongly with your guides, enabling you to follow your divine path. The Acturians, the master healers are also present and healing you. You will have access to this wisdom once you surrender to divine guidance. Please keep yourselves very well hydrated. You may repeat this meditation for 33 days to gain its complete benefits.

167. Peru 2024 – Heal Your Heart – Release Your Karmic Patterns

Peru 2024 - Heal Your Heart - Release Your Karmic Patterns You are filled with divine light in the presence of the beings from Lyra, Andromeda, Pleiades and Mother Goddess Isis and Mother Goddess Urubamba. The divine mother goddesses send high frequency lights to your heart center to help you drop denseness from your physical and energy-body. They ask you to drop anything that is not serving you on your divine path. You also ask to release any karmic connections coming from the past lifetimes. Drop any resistance that blocks the healing process. Resistance comes from emotional wounds. Receive these beautiful, powerful energies with grace and openness, they will help you open your heart and move forward. The divine beings place crystals within you to help you align to your divine path and flow with the universal energies. Please repeat this meditation for 33 for complete energy integration. Please keep yourselves very well hydrated.⁩

168. Peru 2024 – Machu Picchu – Activation of Divine Feminine Energies

Peru 2024 - Machu Picchu - Activation of Divine Feminine Energies You are in a vortex of energy, a container of high goddess energies. Your energy field is in a circle of beautiful lotus flowers. These lotuses absorb the powerful energies of the Machu Picchu vortex and your chakra system starts to get activated. You are engulfed in colorful Goddess frequencies. Your light body and your physical body is filled up with these energies. The more you integrate these energies, the more you start rising in your consciousness. Consistent inner work and conscious living will help you integrate these energies and step into your highest divine version. Please repeat this activation for 55 for complete energy integration. Please keep yourselves very well hydrated.

⁨169. Peru 2024 – Moray – Codes of Remembrance – Upgrade Your DNA

Peru 2024 - Moray - Codes of Remembrance - Upgrade Your DNA You are taken to Moray and High Priest Adama and Master Thoth welcome you and lead you to ancient scrolls. Master Thoth starts downloading this ancient wisdom in your etheric body. The golden stream of light activates your DNA. The codes of remembrance as an Atlantean being, helps you to remember ancient wisdom that will illuminate your consciousness and help you contribute to assisting Gaia at this time. Mother Goddess Isis downloads codes to activate your memory of time in mystery schools. Please repeat this meditation for 44 for complete energy integration. Please keep yourselves very well hydrated.⁩

170. Aligning Your Chakras to the New Template of Abundance

Super Blue Moon August 2024 with Meghna Tara – Aligning Your Chakras with the New Template of Abundance Join Meghna Tara as she orchestrates a powerful full moon meditation in the presence of Mother Goddess Moon and Mother Goddess Isis. Full moon are energy gateways that propel you to manifest abundance and to heal your emotional traumas and wounds. These energies will give you the clarity to see your lives and paths with a fresh perspective. Mother Goddess Isis upgrades all your 7 chakras with the new template of abundance. As well as clearing your central channel in the back of any energetic debris caused by unprocessed emotions and old timelines. Please repeat this meditation for at least 44 days to receive healing and help the dislodgment of old energies for new healing light to integrate into your physical and etheric body. Keep yourselves very well hydrated.

171. Removing Your Limiting Belief Systems

You are taken to the powerful temple of Mother Goddess Isis. Goddess Isis works to heal and eradicate your limiting belief systems present within you like, "I am not good enough" or "I am not Loved" and many such belief systems that stunt your forward movement. These limiting belief systems are ingrained so deeply in your subconscious mind that they prevent you from stepping into your complete potential as a divine being. It's time to release all these beliefs about yourself and your world and step into your soul's purpose fearlessly. Please repeat this meditation for at least 44 days to receive healing and help the dislodgment of old energies for new healing light to integrate into your physical and etheric body. Keep yourselves very well hydrated.

172. Lions Gate Portal 2024- Clearing Negative Karma & Soul Fragments Retrieval

The Lions Gate portal is linked to the Great Pyramids and the Sirius star nation. This portal brings in energies and codes of abundance and higher frequencies. You are taken to the Great Pyramids by your guides. A shower of divine light clears the low vibrational karma, present in your energy field. Your ancestral or generational karma is also healed and cleared at this time. There are aspects or fragments of your soul from across timelines and dimensions that are being called back to you at this time. Please repeat this meditation for at least 44 days to help heal and balance your karmas and retrieve your soul fragments. Keep yourselves very well hydrated.
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