The Powerful Goddess Portal by Meghna ~ Navratri 2023

Last Update September 4, 2024
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9 Lessons

122. Navratri Day 1 – Goddess Yemaya – Release Your Emotional Baggage

Release Your Emotional Baggage Navratri 2023 - Goddess Yemaya - Step into the powerful energies of the Goddess Portal with Meghna as she channels the benevolent mother goddess Yemaya. This powerful session will cleanse and align your energies to clear your energy blocks to make space for healing light and abundance to flow in. This will also help in releasing the emotional baggage that you're carrying in your energy field from lifetime to lifetime. Allow yourself to feel and release emotions as you embark on this courageous journey with Divine Tara. Please keep yourselves hydrated. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days.
122. Navratri Day 1 – Goddess Yemaya00:49:13

123. Navratri Day 2 – Goddess Isis – Bring Your Power Back

Bring Your Power Back Navratri 2023 - Goddess Isis – You are taken to the Divine Crystal Temple in the sacred land of Egypt. Mother Isis works with your energy field and you are taken to different realities, past lives, and parallel universes to bring your power back from the various timelines, people, and situations to, which you may have given away your power. This is a very powerful time to regain your power and bring it back to you. Please repeat this meditation for 33 days. Please keep yourselves hydrated.

124. Navratri Day 3 ~ Dragon Goddess Celestia – Healing Limiting Belief Systems

Healing Limiting Belief Systems with the Dragons Navratri 2023 - Dragon Goddess Celestia -You are taken to the powerful Mother Celestia, who works with eradicating belief systems and helps you heal your timelines and release the darkness within The powerful energies of Dragons help you release the dense traumas carried in your energy field. The deep-rooted belief systems and painful emotions are released and healed. You may repeat this meditation 33 times. Please keep yourselves hydrated.

125. Navratri Day 4 – Goddess Lakshmi and the Nine Tailed Fox Goddess – Heal Poverty Consciousness

Heal Poverty Consciousness Navratri 2023 - Goddess Lakshmi and the Nine-Tailed Fox Goddess-Goddess Lakshmi and the Nine-Tailed Fox Goddess are the goddesses of abundance and prosperity. They work with eradicating the poverty consciousness. They align your energies to abundance consciousness by activating codes of abundance.
 Please repeat this meditation 33 times. Please keep yourselves hydrated.

126. Navratri Day 5 – Mother Durga – Transmute Dark Aspects From Your Path

Transmute Dark Aspects From Your Path Navratri 2023 - Mother Durga- Mother Durga is guiding us on our ascension journey and helping us to eradicate any obstacles coming on our path. 
This energy is highly protective and it also helps you to transmute your dark aspects. Please repeat this meditation 33 times. Please keep yourselves hydrated.

127. Navratri Day 6 – Black Tara -Transmute Negativity

Transmute Negativity Navratri 2023 -Black Tara- Black Tara is the destroyer of negativities. She works all your dark/shadow aspects which are deeply ingrained within you. These patterns are rigid and unprocessed. Allow the benevolent mother to work with your shadow aspects and transmute the negativity from your energy field. You may repeat this meditation 33 times. Please keep yourselves hydrated.

128. Navratri Day 7 – Green Tara – Activate Inner Peace

Activate Inner Peace Navratri 2023 - Green Tara- The benevolent ethereal Mother Goddess Green Tara is here to activate and instill inner calmness, inner Peace, and Self Mastery. This gives you the power to eliminate any negative influences and gives you strength. You may repeat this meditation 33 times. Please keep yourselves hydrated.

129. Navratri Day 8 – Quan Yin – Clear Your Karmic Contracts

Clear Your Karmic Contracts Navratri 2023- Quan Yin - This is a very powerful session where Mother Goddess Quan Yin along with the other ascended masters helps clear your karmic contracts with people, situations, and places from across lifetimes. Karmic contracts with anybody are incredibly significant. There is always a divine purpose behind it. Surrender your free will in this divinely guided session and break free from the shackles of karmic contracts. You may repeat this meditation 33 times. Please keep yourselves hydrated.

130. Navratri Day 9 – Mother Kundalini – Activate Your Kundalini

Activate Your Kundalini Navratri 2023 - Mother Kundalini-Mother Goddess Kundalini teleports you to her ancient temple. This is one of the most powerful temples that have ever existed for balancing and raising your Kundalini energy. She works on activating this divine power of Kundalini which sits at the base of your spine and brings about abundance in every sphere of your life and balancing the masculine and feminine polarities within your energy field. Surrender to the divine light of Mother Kundalini and awaken to this Powerful Divine Energy. You may repeat this meditation 33 times. Please keep yourselves hydrated.
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