Psychic Reading: Know the messages your Spirit Guides have for you

Karmic Healing (2)

About The Event


  • Per Person Per Session Cost – USD 400
  • Session Mode and Duration – 60 minutes Live on Zoom
  • A Note For Residents of India – There are special offers for the residents of India. Kindly write to us at [email protected] if you are a resident of India and wish to avail these offers on reading and healing sessions with Meghna.
  • If you wish to book a reading session with Meghna, please complete the payment and write to us at [email protected] with your name and location, and we will respond to you with the next steps to schedule your reading session with Meghna.
  • You can also do a reading session for your loved ones.
  • Kindly note that this is a service that is provided when purchased and no physical item will be shipped to you.
Would you like to know what message and guidance the Masters, Angels, and Universe have for you?
Feeling stuck in life?
Are you looking for signs everywhere for answers?
In this reading session, Meghna will channel your spirit guides and messages coming for you, if you don’t have any questions but simply would like to get guidance on your life path you may book a session and receive guidance from Meghna.
She will be touching upon various aspects such as Past Life Karma, Soul Contracts, Soul/Life Purpose and also guide you towards your Spiritual Ascension and Awakening in this session.


What to expect?
Past Life Influence
Sometimes, our past lives may have a very strong influence on our present-life. We carry traumas from our past lifetimes. A past-life trauma may show up as a karmic illness, which is caused by energy carried forward from another lifetime that is present now to balance or complete karma for an individual. Being in awareness, and healing our past life influences and traumas have the potential to release this bondages and change our life-trajectory for our highest good.
 “I use past lives to help create context and resolution through self-awareness. The simple act of acknowledging a past life through reading has the potential to alleviate karma. Any time our consciousness expands in this way, we increase our potential for evolution.”
– Meghna Tara
Karmic Influence
Karma is a distortion of energy that is being passed down from all of the past lifetimes. This energy is stored deep into our cells at the cellular level, which creates obstructions in our lives. This is created and built up by our thought patterns, and belief systems, which are also carried through our ancestors and generations. This gets stored in our energy field which is like a building block for all our cells and organs.

These blocks of patterns of behavior or doing things in a certain way become habitual and repetitive, which impacts our present, and future not only in this lifetime but in the coming lifetime also. We keep vibrating at a certain frequency and keep attracting the same energies under the Law of Attraction. Our thoughts, words, and intentions are sent out into the universe, and similar vibrations returns to us.                                                         

Soul Contract
Every soul has a contract and we add to it, throughout our journey. Discover the lessons that you agreed to.This aspect also helps you to learn what karmic debts you still owe and how they may be a block in your way.
Spiritual & Ascension Guidance
As an angelic soul, who has reached enlightenment herself, Meghna will guide you on your path towards your spiritual awakening. She will guide you for your inner work, which will help you recognize your limiting belief systems, cyclic and negative patterns that are holding you back from attaining a life of abundance in all forms.
Soul Reading
Wonder who you are? Want to know the origins of your soul?
Are you living as your true, authentic self? Haven’t you always felt different?
Find out why! The soul reading also provides insight into your soul gifts that you may be carrying that will help you in this lifetime.
Life Purpose Reading
Everyone has a purpose to fulfill. This could be personally, spiritually, or both. Would you like to know what your purpose is, for being alive and here, in this lifetime?
Book your Psychic Reading Session with Meghna Tara and start your inner journey.
Disclaimer: No spiritual reading given via Divine Tara Healing is intended to, nor should it ever take the place of professional services including but not limited to medical, legal, financial, business, and/or psychological. Meghna is not a medical doctor nor a psychotherapist. Energy Healing is an alternative care.
  • Cost: $ 400.00
  • Total Slot: 1000
  • Booked Slot: 0

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