Frequently Asked Questions

Once You Engage with Meghna at Divine Tara, you will see, feel, and know life differently. You will heal emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually. You will unlock the super-human aspects and super-genes within you, and realize how truly powerful you are. Your level of confidence will rise, your clarity of mind will heighten, and you will be more focused, energized, and passionate about life. Expect colossal transformation.
Transform your thoughts, feelings, and emotions to the highest frequency of pure love. Meghna’s channeled energy will purify and cleanse your karma, bring your mind into a state of expansiveness, open your heart to love, wisdom and knowledge, and protect you on your earthly journey. When you live in Ascended Masters consciousness you enter into quantum creation – the ability to shift consciousness for the good on a global scale. Integrating the fragmented aspects of you, the soul. Release of toxic parasites, old programming, patterns of thinking, and any limiting belief systems from your being, to accelerate your enlightenment process.

Yes. Everyone who voluntarily chooses to participate in their transformational journey is eligible to participate in Guided Meditations, Transmissions, Healings, Readings.

Yes, Meghna works with a zero-point quantum field, which means there are fresh downloads of energies experienced, whenever they are listened to. Ascended Masters’ ethereal presence is healing. The Masters activate the Kundalini energies in you, just surrender and allow the higher beings to work with you. Heal in the divine powerful presence of these Ascended Masters. These Guided Meditations/ transmissions are a combination of healing, activations, clearance, and Pran Pratishtha Shaktipath. When you raise your vibration and reconnect to your soul, you will experience deep healing and expansiveness — it also helps heal humanity and Mother Gaia.

Do you eat food once in a lifetime? Or do you need to eat every day?
Do you brush only once in your lifetime? Or do you have to, every day?
Do you bathe just once in your lifetime? Or do you have to, every day?

As we need to maintain our bodies by doing the above, every day, similarly, we, the soul, need light of the ascended masters to integrate in our being on an everyday basis.

Being on this Earth plane, our body is exposed to daily dramas, negative emotions, and chaos, which lowers the frequency and drains our energies continuously.
These transmissions from such high-level energy sources have the capacity and power to break and release our dense karmas, which creates hurdles and obstacles to living an abundant life on earth.

By choosing to make this a way of life, you are choosing to take your life and destiny into your OWN hands. Be a master of your life, not an audience!
