Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

By scheduling and/or paying for any service, (for example healing session), offered through Divine Tara Healing (Ethereal Tara) and/or communicating with Divine Tara Healing (Ethereal Tara) in any fashion, you are attesting that you have read this legal disclaimer and these terms of service. Further, you attest that you understand and willingly enter into, agree with and accept the following:

  1. You are 18 years of age or older.
  2. 100% accuracy is not guaranteed.
  3. Any information, communication and/or consultations with Divine Tara Healing (Ethereal Tara) are for educational and spiritual guidance purposes only.
  4. No spiritual reading given via the Divine Tara Healing (Ethereal Tara) or over the telephone is intended to, nor should it ever take the place of professional services including but not limited to: medical, legal, financial, business and/or psychological.
  5. Divine Tara Healing (Ethereal Tara) accepts no liability and/or responsibility for any actions and/or decisions any client chooses to take or make based on his/her consultation with Divine Tara Healing (Ethereal Tara)
  6. You agree to absolutely indemnify and hold harmless Divine Tara Healing (Ethereal Tara) and its owner.
  7. Copyright and confidentiality laws apply. You agree you will not publish, display, share, distribute and/or archive any material, photo, content, etc. without express written permission (see section 8 for further details)
  8. Social Media: You may share content on appropriate social media outlets (Facebook, Youtube and Instagram) as long as appropriate attribution is given. For permission to share content on other venues please email us at [email protected]. All of my content is protected under the Indian Law and the Divine Tara Healing (Ethereal Tara) wordmark and logo is protected.
  9. Payment Policies:
    • All services are scheduled and paid for in advance
    • No refunds
    • Services taken, which go over the allotted time are invoiced following the completion of that service
  10. You have had the chance and taken the time to ask any and all questions, you fully understand and of your own free will, choose to enter into this legal and binding disclaimer and terms of service agreement.
  11. No reading or services carried out will contain Meghna’s personal opinion, they are what she channels for you and should never replace advice from professional bodies.

Divine Tara Healing (Ethereal Tara) makes no claims as to the proven healing properties of gemstones and crystals. Possible healing and other properties associated with crystals and tumble stones are given for information only. This information is offered as a service and is not meant to replace any medical treatment.

By choosing to book a session, whether that be in person at an event, or over the phone, you acknowledge that:​

  • Sessions take place over Zoom. Zoom is a communication tool. Any internet-based communication is not guaranteed to be 100% secure/confidential.  You agree that Divine Tara Healing (Ethereal Tara) will not be held accountable if any outside party gains access to Signal/Telegram/Instagram/Facebook/Zoom/Telephone/SMS’s personal or confidential information by bypassing their security measures.
  • Any information that we discuss will be kept completely confidential unless you make a disclosure that would need to be reported to the police or other appropriate authorities in order to keep you or someone else/other people safe. If Meghna has any concerns about either your safety/welfare, or someone else’s safety and welfare she will have to pass this information on immediately.
  • Divine Tara Healing (Ethereal Tara) will process your data in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2016. Please be aware that by providing your details, you may receive reminders about bookings and updates to the website and offers from time to time.
  • Divine Tara Healing (Ethereal Tara) is allowed to use your feedback or testimonials through any medium such as but not limited to written testimonials, videos, audios, etc. for marketing purposes at their discretion the right to use them in printed and online publicity, social media and press releases.
  • You agree to not disclose or discuss or pass on the information provided to you by Meghna in any of the services pertaining to your case or generally, to anyone for their use, or discuss or release Meghna’s content or material to anyone.

Under Indian law, you must be 18 years or older to use this service.

The user acknowledges that he/she has voluntarily applied to participate in a meditation/trip/any of the services such as reading, etc by Divine Tara Healing (Ethereal Tara).

All guidance is subject to your own interpretation. By purchasing a reading or any other service, you are agreeing that any information/guidance provided does not constitute, nor is it a substitute for legal, psychological, financial, medical, or business advice. You claim full responsibility for the choices and/or actions taken based on the content of your reading or any services. When you purchase a reading, or any of the products or services, you agree that you have read and understood the details of this disclaimer, agree to the disclaimer, and release Divine Tara Healing (Ethereal Tara), of any and all liability/responsibility for any actions or inactions that you may or may not take.

You acknowledge that Divine Tara Healing (Ethereal Tara) are not liable for any direct, indirect, or incidental, consequential, or punitive damages arising from using the spiritual guidance available on any social media platforms such as but not limited to, Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, or over the telephone or text messages. By engaging in or using the products and/or services on this website, you understand that Meghna does not diagnose illnesses, including questions pertaining to pregnancy and death. Divine Tara Healing (Ethereal Tara) will not be liable for the death or personal injury resulting from negligence on our behalf, or for fraudulent misrepresentation. You understand that the use of these services is merely for referencing and spiritual guidance purposes and is not intended to be regarded as professional judgment or advice.

Since references to the future and outcomes are based on potentials, possibilities, and probabilities at the time of the services taken, based on your actions and other people’s actions or inactions and due to interpretation as to what was said at the time of the services taken. You understand that there is no guarantee on the accuracy rate of a reading, session, or consultation and understand that this is not a fortune-telling session, nor does Divine Tara Healing (Ethereal Tara) imply or infer such. By using these services, you acknowledge that there are no guarantees of success. No refunds will be given under any circumstances. You are paying for a service to be performed on your behalf; you are not paying for results.

Neither Meghna, nor anyone involved with the provision of these services shall be held liable for any damages arising from the inability to use the services and/or from errors caused by negligence, or otherwise. We are not liable for delays in providing information or carrying out our obligations due to factors beyond our control. When you sign up and/or pay for any reading, product or service on this site, you agree that you are using them at your own risk.
