

What is the Womb?
The womb represents a sacred and powerful space of creation, nurturing, and transformation. Womb space is present within all of us, irrespective of our gender.
The womb can be seen as a source of comfort, safety, and security. The womb is often associated with the inner feminine, symbolizing the nurturing and creative power of the universe. 
Again, this is present within all of us across our gender – even though you are a man in this lifetime, you may be carrying womb traumas from your previous lifetimes as a woman. Or you might have been suppressing your inner feminine energy to stand out in the patriarch – the permutation combinations are endless. 
The Womb space holds the trauma that the inner feminine energy has gone through during this and past lifetimes.

This blocks off the creative energy and shuts off the communication with the inner feminine. Your inner feminine is the light, and when that light is disconnected from your core being, there are chances that you may get stuck or caught up in repetitive patterns or cycles. 
You may feel that there is no way out or there are no solutions to anything. It is important to heal this space, as it connects you to your inner light or the inner feminine which paves the way for abundance and prosperity to come into your life.
Healing the Womb through Breathework
Meghna has devised healing womb space through breathwork. We can heal the womb by awakening and balancing the sacral chakra. Learning to flow with life, to be in a state to receive, experience and express our emotions fully, accept pleasure and open up to creativity supports this.
Physically, the womb is a hollow organ. It will fill up with the prevalent energy around us, unless we consciously fill it with inspiration, creativity and healing.
Experienced trauma is stored within our cells. The fear or extreme negative emotions you felt during that event, could be stuck in your womb, unless you consciously work with it. 
When it comes to suffering and trauma, many of us believe that our suffering is inevitable. When we consciously sit with our traumas and heal ourselves, we release the trauma stored from our bodies, energetically transmuting it into light.


Identifying if your womb is energetically heavy or blocked
  • When the energy flow in the womb is blocked it may somaticize in various forms such as physical issues, emotional and/or spiritual unrest 
  • Physical discomfort in the pelvic area, pain, tension, and cramps. 
  • Reproductive Health Problems 
  • High level of emotional distress like anxiety, depression, or disconnection from one’s body.
  • Menstrual health related issues in women.
  • Difficulties with intimacy and relationships.
  • Feeling a sense of being stuck or stagnant in life
  • Lack of motivation and inspiration
  • Low sense of vitality or vigor 
  • Lethargy or fatigue
Benefits of healing your womb
  • Womb healing leads to an enhancement of your connection, balance and stability with your higher self.
  • Improved Reproductive health
  • Improved menstrual health for women
  • Enhanced creative and manifestation power
  • Greater connection with your Spirit Guides and higher realms
  • Better flow of energy through your physical chakras leading to the activation of the higher chakras
  • Enhancement in intimacy and relationships
  • Have conscious relationships with others.
    Conscious relationships entail empathy, understanding and care for the other person’s emotional needs and vice-versa.
  • Connectivity with the divine becomes so strong that creative ideas and inspiration flow through you under the guidance of your spirit guides.
  • Increase in vitality leading to a greater sense of well-being.
  • Emotional healing leading to awareness and balance.
  • Greater emotional fulfillment and satisfaction
  • Womb healing can promote greater spiritual awareness and connection to the divine feminine aspect within.
  • Release chronic stress and anxiety.
  • Leads to energy dislodgment and healing of womb traumas in the ancestral line/lineage.


    Sessions & Schedule
    • Level 1- 5 Sessions Package:
    Energy Exchange: INR 9,999 | USD 155
    Library Members: INR 7,999 | USD 133
    • Walk-ins/Single sessions available:
    Energy Exchange: INR 2100 | USD 33
    Library Members: INR 1800 | USD 25


    • Coming Soon Level 2:
      Opening Your Heart Chakra through Breathwork
      *Level 1 Participants are eligible for discounts on Level 2
    Kindly Note
      • Classes are from 2nd February to 1st March, 2024
      • Class on every Friday
      • Time: 7pm – 8pm IST
      • 60 minutes each session on Zoom
      • Access to the class recordings will be given to the Participants until the classes are ongoing.
      • You may Whatsapp us on +91 7045499745 for India
      • Or +12489389425 – Telegram/Signal Only for outside India.


Hosted By DivineTara
Start February 2, 2024 @ 7:00 pm
Category Meeting
Duration 60 minutes
Timezone Asia/Calcutta

Note: Countdown time is shown based on your local timezone.
